6 Boogaloo Loadouts: The Best Guns for the Apocalypse?

In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves talks about the 6 best (ok, five and a half best) loadouts for the big B-word. [You know, the big igloo? Boogerlube? We can’t say the “B-word” on YouTube, but you know what we are talking about.] Say society breaks down, there’s an alien invasion, or you live in Detroit. The world has ended. What are your best guns for the apocalypse? And why? James discusses these loadouts in a special episode of TFBTV brought to you by 5.11 Tactical.

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MOAR NYLON! HSGI Battle Belt Bridge

For when your “War Belt” doesn’t have enough “War” in it, in steps the tactical nylon guru’s of High Speed Gear, Incorporated. Seeing the gap over a belt buckle as an unacceptable waste of space, they have invented and are now selling the Battle Belt Bridge. As the name implies, The Battle Belt Bridge bridges the gap from PALS / MOLLE webbing from one side of a belt, across the buckle, and securely mounting on the other side.

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Even Coozies Now "Tactical"…

I am surprised how often I am surprised when something benign is tacti-cooled and in this case, its even a pun! MTEK, a company I have not heard of before, is offering the M12 Tacticoozy. Designed for field choice beverage, the Tacticoozy even has a ejector strap for “instant discarding of empties.”

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