Ruger Mark IV 22/45 LITE

This episode of TFBTV, Patrick finds a new favorite range toy and starts the break in process for his new handgun, the Ruger Mark IV 22/45 LITE. This pistol is the latest in the line of lightweight .22lr pistols that have changed how we look at the Mark series of pistols. Now they are the premier choice for those looking for a suppressor host as well as a preferred choice for backpackers looking for a light pistol to stow in their bag.

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Ruger Precision Rifle In 6mm Creedmoor and New 22/45 LITE | TFBTV | SHOT 17

How do you make the excellent Ruger Precision Rifle better than it already is? Easy. Chamber it in a flat shooting, wind resistant cartridge like 6mm Creedmoor. Patrick also take a look at the new Mark 4 22/45  LITE to see how Ruger updated his favorite rimfire handgun.

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2A Armament's Xanthos-Lite "Large Frame" .308 Ultra-Light Billet Receiver Set

2A Armament, known for their ultra-light Balios-lite receiver set and rifle for the intermediate caliber AR-15, has upped the offering to full battle-rifle calibers with their Xanthos-Lite receiver set. The new recevier set, introduced and sold as matched pairs (due to the large variation of specifications within the .308 world) is geared for “large-frame” parts and components (meaning DPMS LR-308 or “Gen-1” components).

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