Wheelgun Wednesday: Uncle Fudd's Futuristic Magnetron Kimber K6s
Thanks for joining us on another TFB Wheelgun Wednesday, where we look at the world of revolvers, past, present and future. This week, we’ll take a look at one of those futuristic but practical story arcs with Uncle Fudd’s latest wheelgun project, the Magnetron Kimber. Uncle’s handiwork started with a Kimber K6s revolver, with the goal of modifying his gun to mate to a magnetic holster, while retaining a practical and fun aspect. Let’s take a peek into one of the visages of Uncle Fudd’s future of wheelgunnery.
MYTH BUSTED! No Reason for .357 Magnum Snubnose Revolvers? NOT SO, Says Luckygunner Test
We’ve all heard that one before, right? “There’s no point to the .357 Magnum in a snubnosed revolver, from a barrel that short you might as well carry a .38.” Well, thanks some some exhaustive testing by Chris Baker and the LuckyGunner Labs team, turns out that’s not really true.