TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 13: Budget Home Defense Shotgun Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 13. For the last couple of months, James over at TFBTV has been going through a pretty extensive series of videos centered around shotguns. Although perhaps slightly less favored than handguns or rifles for home defense or tactical situations, the shotgun is often the first thing many people gravitate towards when they are thinking of home defense solutions. This week for our TFB Amazon deals, I’ve gone through some of the items that James has mentioned in his videos and found some that happen to be on sale. I’ve also found a few other deals on aftermarket shotgun accessories for those looking to put together a budget home defense shotgun setup. If you haven’t seen any of the previously mentioned videos yet, I’ll link them down below. They are definitely worth checking out!

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EAA Akkar Churchill 20Ga Shotguns Reconfigured for Home Defense

EAA/Akkar has just revamped their popular Akkar Churchill 220 and 620 shotguns for home defense. Shotguns provide unparalleled close-range power but often are too long to be properly used within the home where narrow hallways are common. The new Churchill 220 pump-action and 620 semi-auto Optics Tactical shotguns have been improved to allow for use within the home.

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