Sweden Makes Suppressors License Free

Finland and Norway already have very generous legislation and traditions for suppressors, and today Sweden joins the club. The new legislation means that suppressors should no longer be considered a firearm part and they no longer require a specific license to possess, as long as you have a permit to own the firearm onto which the suppressor fits.

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POTD: Silent Steel Suppressors – Finland

Photo Of The Day and we’re going to have a look at various pictures from a new company called Silent Steel Suppressors. They’re from Finland and they manufacture suppressors. In Finland and Norway sound suppressors for firearms are license-free, and by the looks of it, Sweden might get similar legislation by this summer.

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Bump Stock Ban Voided – Will be Reheard in 10th Circuit Court

The federal government’s previous ban on bump stocks has been granted a petition for a rehearing after the earlier decision to uphold the bump stock ban was reached previously. The Original ban which went into effect in 2018 and made bump stock devices illegal to possess, will now be reheard by in the 10th Circuit court.

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Sweden Votes NO to Regulating Firearm Magazines

Sweden has still not voted about how and when the EU Firearms Directive (EU Gun Ban) is going to be introduced. Many parties want to use the EU’s minimum requirement, which in many ways already is quite close to the current Swedish legislation. Others want to use the occasion to introduce legislation that goes way past what the EU requires.

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Tennessee to Allow Felons to Posses Firearms, as Long as They're More Than 120 Years Old

A recent change in the Volunteer State’s definition of what a firearm is will now allow felons to own a gun. That is, as long as it was manufactured before 1899. Technically this means that the “guns” don’t qualify as firearms. This also means they’d be pretty useless outside of a “Pistols at Dawn” style duel.

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