Ruined Your 80% Lower? The Good News Is You Aren't Alone | Gun Guy Thoughts
Let’s face the facts, it isn’t hard to ruin something if your primary tool of destruction is a Dremel. Over the years, table top gunsmiths have ruined more firearms than I care to think about using JB Weld, paint, welders and even carefully applied Duck tape to hide their sins. But what if you didn’t run a firearm at all and had only ruined your 80% receiver?
Why Do I Need A Comp On A 9mm? | Gun Guy Thoughts
Since I have been working on this Roland Special series recently, many of you have asked why I need a comp on a Glock 19. You ask if the recoil is too much or point out that it can direct gasses back at the shooter. Well, the truth is, I don’t need a compensator on a 9mm, I want one.
What Is A Fire Extinguisher Gun? | Gun Guy Thoughts
Every now and then you come across a term in this industry that you don’t understand or have never heard before. This happened to me recently while having dinner with my friend Tom V. who was in town for the USCCA show when he used the term “Fire Extinguisher Gun.”
GUN GUY THOUGHTS: Are You Really Just Paying For A Name?
Have you ever heard that salesperson tell you “It’s just like brand X, the Navy Seals tested it and it passed with flying colors.” I know that leaves a lot of the general gun buying public in a bit of awe and they buy the line of BS spewing from the gun shop employee’s mouth. Hell, even I am guilty of buying into the ‘only buying a name’ thought process early in my shooting career.