Big Daddy Ordnance Offers M781 40mm Chalk Rounds and Launchers
If you’ve ever wanted to get your hands on that sweet forty-mike-mike action and just had no idea how to do it, Big Daddy Unlimited has just announced that they now are selling grenade launchers, barrels, and 40mm rounds to private citizens through their new division Big Daddy Ordnance (BDO). Big Daddy Ordnance will be offering M781 chalk rounds to private citizens that are actually new production rounds and not reloads, with more launcher products to be sold from BDO down the line.
Grenade Launcher Order to be Fulfilled by LMT for US Army
This week it was announced that LMT Defense had gained a contract from the United States Army for $17,031,520 firm fixed price for a new production run of the M203/M203A2 40MM Grenade launcher. The order is estimated to be complete by September of 2025. The full press release from LMT Defense can be found below.
Here Are Some of the Historic Heavy Weapons Canada Just Banned
You may have recently heard that Canada has chosen to ban a selection of so-called ‘assault weapons’. Earlier this week Luke gave us a great run through some of the unusual things that made it onto the banned list including AR15.com and Stinger MANPADs. Well if you examine the list closely enough you also start to notice just how many historic weapons have been included.
Container Full Of Assault Rifles And Grenade Launchers Headed To USA, Seized In Spain
On August 4, the Risk Analysis Unit (UAR) Custom Algeciras noticed a suspicious container headed out to the US by ocean freight. The Bill Of Lading indicated dismantled weapons. However the UAR decided to seize the container for a full inspection. This is common for ocean freight and customs. I used to work for a Freight Forwarder and we imported containers of shipments from Asia. US Customs often runs random exams/inspections on containers. They can be as simple as a full container x-ray or in this case a full inspection and every item is pulled from the container and matched up with the packing list and invoice.
Heavy Weapons Moving In Slow Motion
Who doesn’t love watching things in slow motion? Larry Vickers went to Ft. Bragg to hang with the Green Berets. Here is a montage of the heavy weapons they had on hand.