Schmidt & Bender Secures Optics Contract for German Short Range Sniper Rifle
The German Short Range Sniper Rifle (G26) tender was cancelled and rescheduled a few months ago, but that hasn’t stopped the Federal Office responsible for the Bundeswehr equipment procurement ( BAAINBw) to place an order with the riflescope specialist Schmidt & Bender. The order was placed on December 28, 2020, and there were two companies fighting for the order.
German Short Range Sniper Rifle (G26) Tender Cancelled
There is so much going on in Germany and their attempts to renew the small arms for their Army at the moment. If you think it’s confusing, you have our sympathies and full understanding. First, it was announced that the Haenel MK556 had won the tender to replace the G36, and within less than a month, the €250 Million order was withdrawn. Until we know what happens next we can only guess, but it seems that the Heckler & Koch G36 is going to be around for a while longer.
Announced: Tender for the Next G26 German Sniper Riflescope
Recently TFB reported about the G26 7.62×51 mm “Short Range Sniper Rifle” that the German Army is looking for.
German Army is looking for a 7.62×51 Short Range Sniper Rifle
As the German Army is taking the next step towards a new assault rifle, they are also looking for a semi-automatic precision rifle in 7.62x51mm. The Federal Office responsible for the Bundeswehr equipment procurement ( BAAINBw) has published a tender titled: “Scharfschützenwaffe kurze Reichweite (SSchtzWa kRw) G26”