[SHOT 2020] New, Affordable Kimber Evo SP "Select" Models

In this episode of TFBTV, James talks with Rachel at Kimber about the new Kimber Evo SP Select series of 9mm striker fired handguns, which will start at just $599 MSRP. Per Kimber:

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Kimber Lineup For 2020, Including the Rapide Black Ice, K6s And More

The new Kimber lineup for 2020 has just been announced, to include new offerings for their 1911’s, K6s revolvers, Micro 9’s and EVO SP’s.  Since Kimber’s introduction of the K6s DASA revolvers several years ago, Kimber has become a do-it-all handgun manufacturer that brings everything to the table.  Kimber’s 2020 pistol offerings are also quite varied between hammer fired and striker fired carry guns, and 1911 based pistols in full and subcompact sizes.

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The NEW Kimber Evo SP Pistol: Truly an Evolution? Or just another Solo?

In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves reviews Kimber’s new single stack, striker fired Evo SP handgun. This is, of course, a welcome diversion from Kimber’s typical 1911 fare, but not the first time they’ve done it. Kimber made the Solo for several years prior to the Evo, later discontinuing the Solo. The Solo was not an excellent gun, and the Evo is the heir apparent – but does the Evo succeed where the Solo failed? More importantly, how does it stack up against the Glock 43 or S&W M&P Shield?

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[SHOT 2019] At the range and the show with new handguns from Kimber

At range day this year, I took the opportunity to shoot some new handguns from Kimber.  First up was their new K6s DASA 3″ and 2″ revolver.  As the name intimates, this revolver has an exposed hammer that can be manually cocked for single action, as well as a 3″ barrel.  Trigger pull was very smooth with no perceptible stacking in double action mode (9.5-10.5lbs).  The single action trigger broke crisply at between 3.25-4.25lbs when the hammer was manually cocked.  I have to give Kimber some plaudits on the sights.  Thought they are just white 3-dot, the size and serrations make them easy to pick up very quickly in daylight conditions.  I fired 24 rounds of .38 and .357 though the DASA, and didn’t miss once.  Recoil is really not bad with the .357s.  The K6s 3″ has the same size grip as the hammerless K6s 3″, but in a lighter, red walnut color.

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