Sweden Votes NO to Regulating Firearm Magazines
Sweden has still not voted about how and when the EU Firearms Directive (EU Gun Ban) is going to be introduced. Many parties want to use the EU’s minimum requirement, which in many ways already is quite close to the current Swedish legislation. Others want to use the occasion to introduce legislation that goes way past what the EU requires.
Essential Parts of the new German Firearms Act – Guidelines
The German Federal Criminal Police Office ( The Bundeskriminalamt, or BKA) just issued a guidline covering the essential parts of the new EU Firearms Act, and how the government chose to implement it into German Law. Unfortunately, Germany went further than the minimum level set by the European Union. The Weapons Act was amended in Germany as of February 19, 2020, and the legal classifications of certain components for firearms changed.
Six Glock Pistols Stolen from Inside Government Offices
No less than six Glock 17 pistols have been stolen from inside the Swedish Government Offices in Stockholm.