AREX Rex Zero 1 Handgun -Passes Yet Another Gauntlet – 1,000 Rounds Back-To-Back
Assuming Military Arms Channel’s AREX REX Zero 1 is representative of the batch of handguns, it would seem there is a real Sig “Killer” loose on the market (that bears a striking resemblance to it no less). So far, the AREX REX Zero 1 is the only only handgun to survive full “torture test” and “The Gauntlet” without a single malfunction.
AR endurance findings, at a rental range
Forget about any military endurance testing of the AR/M16 platform, a rental range in Las Vegas has some extremely interesting findings when it comes to large round counts, sometimes in excess of 200,000 rounds through commercially available and full auto ARs. Granted, none of the grueling testing procedures in place from a military standpoint are there, but for sheer round count alone, it really tells a lot about what some companies can take and what others can’t when it comes to their rifles and products in general. This all stems from a forum thread on AR15.com that was started in June. His screen name is HendersonDefense, and there is a small arms company in Henderson, NV called Henderson Defense, but the range operations he is talking about are occurring at Battlefield Las Vegas, a big time rental range in Vegas. His name is Ron, and he’s been featured here at TFB before in the form of a post about the rental AKs at his range earlier this year.