TFB Review: AXIL GS Extreme Bluetooth Earbuds

A little while back, I had the opportunity to test out some of AXIL’s electronic ear protection. The particular model I was able to review was the ultra-lightweight, ultra-low-profile, hearing-aid battery-powered GS Digital 1 earplugs. While I still enjoy and use these earplugs to this day for all the qualities I mentioned in the review, I think I have a new favorite pair of low-profile ear protection that isn’t a pair of earmuffs. While out at a TFB event in Southeast Texas, the TFB crew and I had a chance to test out the AXIL GS Extreme Ear Buds. Many of you were put off by the price and lack of a rechargeable battery for the GS Digital 1 earplugs and I think the GS Extreme Earbuds will offer you everything you were after with the GS Digital 1’s but with a slightly larger package and with more features.

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