Bump Stock Decision Reversed by Sixth Circuit

Buckle up, buckaroos. We’ve got some dense legalese to get through today. On March 25, 2021, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, reversed and remanded a lower court decision that denied a preliminary injunction against the ATF’s enforcement of the bump stock ban. I know that many of you are thinking the same thing that I had thought. Wait, what? I thought the whole bump stock ban thing was already over and done? A done deal, set in stone, lost and never to return. But it appears this is not the case, so without any further ado, let’s get into the meat of the matter.

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Decision Released on Federal Judge's Rejection of Proposed California Restrictions

I, for one, enjoy reading through the formal legal decisions penned by judges. While it has the term “decision” the documents are actually the logical and legal rationale for the court’s decision – the basis of which various appeals will be based on. So when the decision was released from the recent preliminary injunction keeping the latest California restrictions from going into effect, I was naturally curious to understand the rationale for the decision.

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