Is the CZ-75 Actually Reliable? Let's Torture Test It.

In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves absolutely destroys a CZ-75 pistol. James has always considered the CZ-75 to be an overrated design, but after spending time with CZ-75 clones over the years, we at TFBTV have developed a respect for the design. But is it all it’s cracked up to be? We’ll see today on TFBTV.

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Kim Jong Un Hands Out Presentation Pistols To His Generals

We recently got a look at a rather rare pistol courtesy of North Korea’s 3rd Supreme Leader. On 27 July, Kim Jong-un commemorated the 67th anniversary of the signing of the armistice agreement in the Korean War by handing out Paektusan Presentation Pistols.

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Two Russian Pistols Being Developed by a Mystery Designer

In one of the Russian social media pages dedicated to firearms, I found a picture of two pistols being in development in Russia. These handguns are designed by an unknown arms designer whose nickname is “Kochevnik”.

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New Russian pistol aimed at Practical Shooting – The "Soratnik"

IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) in Russia is a huge success, and is showing tremendous growth with some 30 000 members. I can’t think of any region which could be larger, and there are now regular sponsored events.

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Cracking the Machine Pistol's Code: Is a Useful Fully Automatic Handgun Possible?

In a previous article on TFB, we compared a Mauser 712 Schnellfeuer to a Glock 17 with an auto sear, and along the way discussed how very limited the usefulness of the modern machine pistol is. Fully automatic pistol-sized weapons have been around for over a hundred years, but they’ve only ever seen limited use in specialist roles, with their adoption and then subsequent abandonment coming seemingly in waves as departments and forces pick up the concept and then discard it upon learning how impractical the weapons are in actual use. The history of machine pistols is fascinating, and those who are interested can follow the link to a podcast I participated in on the subject to learn more.

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Full Auto CZ-75

Larry Vickers gets his hands on a full auto CZ-75 machine pistol. I am extremely jealous. It looks like he is in Vegas at the Pro Gun Club range.

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Shooting Guns In The Czech Republic

While staying in Brno, CZ I went to a local range to try out some Czech made firearms. The range is called Trigger Service.

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eska Zbrojovka Store in Prague

Landed in Prague on Friday.  Hotel check- in isn’t until 2pm so I left my luggage at the hotel baggage room and headed for the Česká Zbrojovka store. I asked about taking photographs and they were a bit cautious about it. They were concerned that I was casing the joint and trying to photograph the security cameras. Not at all, I just wanted to get pics of all the great stuff in the store.

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