Concealed Carry Corner: Stock Guns Vs Customized Guns

Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about jackets that were specifically designed for concealed carry and their validity. If you missed the article last week, be sure to check it out with the link here. This week, we will take a closer look at the trend of customizing carry guns and if they make a massive difference when it comes to self-defense. The aftermarket sector of the gun industry is a massive part of the market and there’s a reason there are so many products for various defensive handguns. Does it make a huge difference though? Let’s take a closer look at stock guns vs customized guns.

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Concealed Carry Corner: Stock vs Customized Carry Guns

One of the most interesting debates I’ve heard lately is whether to carry a stock handgun or a handgun with upgrades. There’s been more than one occasion the last few weeks where I’ve heard guys arguing the pros and cons of carrying stock or upgraded handguns. Both have their valid arguments and it’s not a bad option to think about if you’re like me and carry on a daily basis. Let’s dive into the stock vs customized carry guns debate and what the benefits of each argument can be.

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