Gun-Recognizing Software Can See Firearms on Video: Spanish University Develops "Gun-Smart" AI
Can a computer pick out and identify guns directly from video footage, without the aid of a human? That’s the technology being demonstrated by a program at the Spanish University of Granada, which earlier this year released a video purporting to show an computer artificial intelligence doing just that. You can see this technology in action in the video released by the University, embedded below:
Colt Police Positive Special: Al Capone's Favorite Pistol
The Cole Police Positive was not only a favorite with beat cops, but also happened to be the revolver of choice for Al Capone himself! In this episode of TFB TV, Patrick takes his 1937 Police Positive Special out to the range and turns the clock back a bit. With a lightweight yet sturdy frame, it isn’t hard to see why the Police Positive Special was so popular.