Escape From Bondage: Un-Californiaizing My AR-15 Part 3

Hello again, and welcome to Part 3 of my escape from bondage. This is it. Return of the Jedi. Mockingjay. FDR’s last complete term as President of the United States. This is the third and final installation in the series. If you haven’t read the previous two articles, you can find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. We left off having completed both the upper and lower halves of the rifle. At this point, we’ve accomplished our goal. This rifle is a far cry from the abomination it once was, but I’m still not ready to call it quits, and I don’t think you are either.

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Escape From Bondage: Un-Californiaizing My AR-15 Part 2

Welcome back to my escape from California bondage. This is Part 2. If you read the first part, you know what this is all about. If not, check it out Un-Californiaizing My AR-15 Part 1. We left off having completed the upper half of the rifle, sans optic. Again, we’ll be working on that in the third and final part of this series. As we stand, this is the rifle.

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Escape From Bondage: Un-Californiaizing My AR-15 Part 1

Recently, due to the reaction of the U.S. government to Coronavirus, my day job has become 100% remote work. I work in the television industry, which has always meant one horrific thing. I was stuck living in Los Angeles. I was born and raised in LA, but as I got older and my priorities changed, I realized how much I hated living there. I started planning my escape in my early twenties, and when the opportunity to leave presented itself, my wife, baby, and I jumped on it. Our last day as California residents was Christmas 2020. We now reside in beautiful Colorado and couldn’t be happier. As an avid gun and self-defense enthusiast, the new opportunities before me were almost overwhelming. Suppressors? Binary triggers? No handgun roster? I wanted to drive straight to the nearest gun store and buy them all. Unfortunately, that would be hell on our bank account, so I had to pick a place to start. One of the most hideous affronts leveled against my passion for firearms is the illogical and ignorant laws surrounding AR-15s. I had a California compliant AR, and that knowledge made me churn and boil inside like I was filled with fiery magma. Welcome to my mini series Escape From Bondage: Un-Californiaizing My AR-15 Part 1.

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Towle Offers Another Take on Loading Non "Assault Weapons" in California

The latest laws in California have certainly had an impact on weapons development. Designers, manufacturers, and customers, have all had to take a proverbial step back with the latest laws that decreased the scope of non “assualt weapons” in the state – the latest of which took aim at the AR-15 and most modern sporting arms best feature – easily detachable box magazines.

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Anti-Orwellian Device from Bastiani Arms for CA MSR Shooters

California-based firearms owners are now in the midst of their legislative squeeze. While the politics are indeed outside our scope here at TFB, it can be hard to untangle the pacing of legislative restrictions and new inventions that show the true “letter of the law”.

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Battle Arms Development Cali-legal AR-15 Mag Catch | SHOT 2017

The mad geniuses at Battle Arms Development are hard at it again this year with a product for SHOT Show 2017 that is entirely relevant to the AR-15 shooter stuck with California’s new firearms laws.

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And So It Begins… Arsenal Discontinues First CA Compliant Models

With the upcoming deadlines looming for the new California “Assault Weapons” law (I use the quotes as sarcasm, as I vigorously disagree with the term and intent of the state’s legislature), the floodgates have opened with the first public discontinuance of a “California Compliant” rifle model.

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The Bullet Button "Reloaded" – Inventor Offers New (Likely) Compliant Offering

With the passage of what many have described as “Gunpocalypse” in California, Golden State firearms owners have been scrambling to understand the implications of the various new laws and regulations. While all have sweeping implications for firearms owners, one of the laws was unique to California – the passage of laws to remove the so-called “bullet-button loop-hole”

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HexMag Granted Patent on Standard Capacity Magazine "True Riser" System

HexMag, known for their hexagonal magazines (who’d a thunk?), has been granted a patent for their “True Riser” magazine capacity reduction system. In short, the True Riser is an set of parts that when combined with a standard capacity magazine, reduces the capacity of the magazine to the designed size.

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