Friday Night Lights: OPTICS 1 ECOSI – I Can See SWIR
Friday night is here and you know what that means, Friday Night Lights! Last week we took a look at a very rare and obscure thermal spotter, the Elbit CORAL-SD. Well, today might be even more rare and obscure. The Optics 1 ECOSI (Enhanced Clip-On SWIR Imager) is a device that some have heard of but very few have seen in person let alone seen what it can do. The ECOSI can see a wavelength of light that is very difficult to see, it can see SWIR.
[SHOT 2023] Armasight Sidekick, Jockey and Night Vision
Last year Armasight came back from the dead. They had been acquired by FLIR a few years ago and then FLIR shuttered them when they decided to no longer offer weapon-mounted thermal or night vision anymore. Well, Armasight is back and they have even more to offer the nighttime hunter. Their Jockey is a small thermal clip-on. The Armasight Sidekick is a thermal monocular perfect for helmet use and they have analog night vision for those interested.
Friday Night Lights: Steiner Nighthunter C35 Thermal Clip-On
The night of Friday is upon us and we shed some light on this week’s Friday Night Lights subject. The Steiner Nighthunter C35 is an entry-level thermal device that performs better than expected. Let’s take a closer look at this thermal clip-on.
ZEISS DTC 3 - The First Thermal Clip-On Device from ZEISS
Night vision clip-ons are a convenient way to upgrade your current hunting rifle without changing your main rifle scope. The new Zeiss DTC 3 is the first thermal clip-on device by Zeiss. The DTC 3/25 features a 1024×768 HD AMOLED display with a thermal sensor resolution of 384 x 288 pixels at 12 μm pitch. The field of view is just over 18 meters at 100 meters, and the DTC 3/38 is said to discover heated objects up to around 2 kilometers.
Friday Night Lights: iRay RH25 Rico Micro – All-In-One Thermal Monocular, Clip-On, Weapon Sight
Friday the 13th is here but rather than consider it to be unlucky you have Friday Night Lights to shine a light and give you hope. Today we will take a close look at a thermal device that has got the thermal users all excited. The IRay USA RH25 Rico Micro. It is an all-in-one thermal device that works as a monocular, clip-on and thermal weapon sight. The best part is that there is not much compromise and the price is actually not terrible. So let’s get into it and check out the RH25 Rico Micro!
Friday Night Lights: iRay Clip 1 – Jerry CE2 C.O.T.I.
Oh hello there. Are you here to check out the InfiRay (iRay) Clip 1 clip-on thermal imager (COTI)? Well, you have come to the right place. Friday Night Lights is a weekly ongoing series dedicated to nocturnal technology. Those consist of night vision, thermal, lights and lasers. So without further ado, let us dive into the iRay Clip 1.
Friday Night Lights: Simrad KN203 Clip-On Night Vision
Welcome back you nocturnal enthusiasts to another Friday Night Lights. Today we take a look at the Norwegian Simrad KN203. It is a night vision clip-on for weapon use. Friday Night Lights is sponsored by ATN Corp, manufacturers of night vision and thermal optics like the THOR LT. As with all of our sponsored series, Friday Night Lights will continue to bring you unbiased news and reviews from a variety of companies.
Friday Night Lights: NIVISYS TACS – Thermal Acquisition Clip-On System
The NIVISYS TACS is chunky compared to other clip-on thermal devices. Take a look at how big it is compared to the Jerry-C.
[TFB GUNFEST] Going Hot With Burris Thermal Optics
At GunFest last week, Burris brought a plethora of new goodies. Their new Thermal Optics piqued my interest. They are releasing a whole line of thermal optics from handheld viewers to clip-ons and rifle mounted thermal weapon sights.
U.S. Marine Corps Select Multi-Spectral Weapon Night Sight from Elbit Systems
The ability to stay in the fight at night and at long distances is increasing in importance, and the United States Marine Corps is of course looking for competitive solutions in the area. For instance, the French Army selected the SCAR-H PR with a low variable power riflescopes from Schmidt & Bender ( reviewed here) with thermal imaging and light amplifiers from OIP Sensor Systems. Now the United States Marine Corps has selected Kollsman Inc., a subsidiary of Elbit Systems (USA), to design, develop and build a multispectral, clip-on weapon night sight (Integrated Clip-on Advanced Targeting Sight or ICATS).
Friday Night Lights: Magnum Universal Night Sight (MUNS) PVS-27
A year and a half ago I got a chance to briefly check out my friend JW’s Knights Armament PVS-30. It is a CNVD (Clip-on Night Vision Device) used for shooting long distances in the dark. Well, now we will take a look at something similar called the MUNS PVS-27.