Guinness World Record: 14,167 Clay Targets Shot by 5-Person Team within 12-Hour Time Frame

Well, it turns out there is a Guinness World Record for most clay targets shot within 12 hours by a 5-person team. And a team lead by the CZ-USA pro shooter Dave Miller (a.k.a. Clay Killer Miller) just recently broke the old record and set a new one. I learned about it from the Aguila Ammunition press release which you can read below.

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Clay Thrower Shotgun Duel

Philip Thorrold is an extreme shotgun shooter. He shot clays from his Ferrari while a driver did doughuts.

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Shooting Clays From A Ferrari

Shooting firearms from moving vehicles is always a challenge. The Shooter needs to learn how to lead or lag the target in order to get a successful hit. Now add the difficulty of shooting not only a moving target but an aerial target. Compounded by the fact that you have to shoot the flying target while sitting in a Ferrari while the driver does doughnuts. Looks challenging to stay safe, not hit the Ferrari and get your hits on the clays.

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RIP Tom Knapp- A Legendary Shot

Tom Knapp was an American sports shooter who passed away on Friday. Here is the announcement from the CZ-USA Facebook page:

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