Briley Match Triggers for Semi-Auto Shotguns
Briley Manufacturing has introduced new match grade triggers for a number of popular semi-auto shotguns. In order to install the triggers, Briley suggests to disassemble the trigger assembly of your shotgun and send it to them. They’ll install the triggers and send it back within two weeks. The triggers for all shotgun models cost $270. The price includes the installation, but shipping costs are not included. Also, these are not sold separately, so you can’t order them to install yourself.
Top 5 Most Fun Guns
Some firearms just are more fun to shoot than others, and in this list Alex runs through his five favorite guns to shoot (at this time). Guns don’t have to be expensive to be fun. This list includes some unusual stuff: A single shot breechloader, a centerfire bolt action, a shotgun, a rimfire bolt gun, and one submachine gun for good measure!