A Breakdown of the Infamous 1997 North Hollywood Bank Shootout

On Friday, February 28th, 1997 the Los Angeles Police Department would face one of the most dangerous criminal acts in its history – The North Hollywood Bank Shootout. On that Friday morning, after months of planning two armed bank robbers entered and robbed the North Hollywood Bank of America branch in California. The ensuing shootout between the heavily armed bank robbers and LAPD would go down in history as one of the largest gun battles in United States history. Today we’ll breakdown the facts leading up to and throughout the infamous North Hollywood Bank Shootout.

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Spiritus Systems "Bank Robber" Chest Rig Review

A few weeks back I asked the gang from the TFB Gear chat room (chat link is here: https://discord.gg/bcVD9zw) to recommend a few minimalist chest rigs. I wanted a small, light rig for 3-4 AR or AK mags, and the Discord boys made a number of suitable recommendations. I liked the Blue Force Gear 10 Speed for less than $100, but the MOLLE wings made it less minimalist and more mediumist than what I was looking for. I favored the Zulu RSCR, but $150 seemed steep for a 3 mag minimalist setup.  I looked at the Spiritus Micro Fight for $76.95 and thought I had a winner, especially because I love Tropical Multicam, which was one of the many patterns available.

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