Shooting Sports: An Introduction to SASS
While I have put in many hours of square range time and attended serious training as well, I love shooting sports; they’re fun, informative, and a great way to practice. One can also make new friends, and sports afford the opportunity to either just have fun or competitively push oneself to better one’s skills with firearms. The love of shooting sports is a big reason why I am an IDPA RSO (International Defensive Pistol Association Range Safety Officer). Recently, I wanted to expand my horizons and try a new challenge. I was attracted to SASS (Single-Action Shooting Society) for a few reasons: The focus on fun appealed to me, as well as the challenge of using “period correct” firearms, carry, and ammunition management. Given that I am a “greenhorn” to the sport, I wanted to take an introductory course. I have seen many people struggle when attending an IDPA match for the first time, and while I try to help them as much as possible, it can be difficult to do in large matches. I didn’t want to be a boat-anchor at my first SASS match, so an “Introduction to SASS” course appealed to me. As luck would have it, I would be passing by Coyote Valley Cowboys range in Morgan Hill, CA on my travels, and they offered such a course.