Firearms Transfer Record – Here Is The Newly Revised ATF 4473 – December 2022
ATF Form 4473 – the Firearms Transaction Record – is a relative household name to most American firearm owners. Consumers who purchase a firearm from a Federal Firearms License dealer are required to answer biographical, residence, criminal history, and other related questions as the first step towards taking ownership of their new gun. This is usually followed by a NICS or state-specific background check, unless the resident’s state allows a current firearms license as an alternative. The newly revised ATF 4473 application was announced a few days ago and now includes questions regarding privately made firearms and waiting periods for buyers under the age of 21.
From The Gun Counter: What Is It Like To Work In A Gun Store?
One day as you walk into your local gun store you see a Help Wanted sign. You’re struck with the idea of working a gun counter. What is it really like? Well, here is one man’s opinion based on his years at a local gun store. While keeping in mind that no one person’s experience is truly authoritative and that stores range from small shops to large corporations with a variety of company cultures, here is an unvarnished look at what it is like to work behind a gun counter.
Proposed ATF 4473 Change Includes Three Gender Choices
Our friends at Orchid Advisors have just posted some proposed changes to the ATF 4473 – Firearms Transaction Record. The ATF 4473 is the form most commonly seen by consumers when purchasing and transferring firearms at a Federal Firearms License (FFL) Dealer and includes biographical information, criminal background questions and other information to determine if the buyer of a firearm is legally able to make the transfer. Among the proposed changes, the ATF is including a “Non-Binary” option under the transferee’s Sex question.