BREAKING: Is the Atchisson AA-12 Fully Automatic Shotgun Up for Sale!?
Dear reader, are you a manufacturer looking to expand your lineup? Here’s a suggestion: How about entering the fully automatic shotgun market by buying the rights to the successor of the famous Atchisson AA-12? That’s what the below video published by BC Engineering Co of Russellville, Tennessee asks, regarding their BC Jaeger, the descendant of Atchisson’s famous automatic shotgun design:
7 Reasons I Don't Like The MP-44 Sturmgewehr
In the early summer of this year, a car-full of gun nerds set out to capture the rare Pedersen rifle on camera for the first time. The passenger with the van Dyke mustache and ponytail had just mentioned how if he could own any machine gun, it would be an StG.44, the German assault rifle of the second World War. Upon this, the driver, a tall, blonde Texan in cowboy boots, rebounded that one of the other passengers was the only person he’s ever met who wasn’t impressed with the German ur-sturmgewehr, which caused a great deal of whiplash to the others as their heads spun around to look in surprise and incredulity at the overweight one with the unkempt beard and brown mop of hair.