TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #50: Catching Up with Miles V.
Longtime readers and viewers of TFB and TFBTV will know Miles V fairly well. Miles is most well known for covering a lot of older firearms, their history, how they were used, as well as who they were used by. Miles is also fairly well known for just how well-traveled he is and has brought us some of the best coverage of foreign firearms markets, industries, and cultures available on the web. Miles is the co-creator of the Silah Report, which is a blog and intelligence network that researches and reports on firearms in the Middle East and North African regions of the globe. Miles used to be a frequent contributor to TFBTV and has also written for TFB, Small Arms Review, Small Arms Defense Journal, RECOIL Magazine, and many other online and print firearms media. It’s been a few years since we’ve had Miles on the podcast so I thought it would be good for us to get caught up and see where he’s been and what he has been up to the last year or so. In today’s episode, Miles gives us an insider’s perspective on the War in Ukraine including what kind of arms and gear fighters have access to and the general state of the conflict. Please welcome Miles back to TFB’s Behind The Gun Podcast!