Anti-Tank Weapons of The War in Ukraine
We’re now two weeks into the conflict in Ukraine and there has been a steady stream of footage from the frontlines. We’ve seen a lot of knocked-out Russian vehicles and this is due to a large variety of infantry anti-tank weapons which have been used by the Ukrainian forces. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the weapons which have been seen in the field (as of 8 March).
POTD: Austrian Jagdkommandos with RBS56 BILL Anti-Tank Missile
The world is full of stories and photographs, and in TFB’s Photo Of The Day you can check these stories every day, every minute, all year round. Today the photographer really nailed it, as we take a closer look at the RBS56 BILL wire-guided anti-tank missile.
Here Are Some of the Historic Heavy Weapons Canada Just Banned
You may have recently heard that Canada has chosen to ban a selection of so-called ‘assault weapons’. Earlier this week Luke gave us a great run through some of the unusual things that made it onto the banned list including AR15.com and Stinger MANPADs. Well if you examine the list closely enough you also start to notice just how many historic weapons have been included.