[SHOT 2018] VLTOR's New 9mm gas-op OR blowback PCC upper receivers and other cool concepts

Stopping by VLTOR’s booth, they showed me a cool new development of theirs.  On the exterior, it looked to be just another pistol caliber AR.  VLTOR explained to me however, that their PCC MUR upper receiver has the capability to accommodate either gas operated or blowback bolts, depending on what the customer wants (even if it’s both!). The uppers feature a cam path cut that can be used when in DI mode.  The brass deflector on the outside is also attached via hex screw, and does not interfere at all with accessories mounted on the upper rail.    The example guns they had these on were configured as a 9mm PCC and an extremely compact 9mm “Truck Gun” pistol with brace.  Lowers and bolts were from Quarter Circle 10.

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Elzetta Breaks Down Anodizing Simple Stupid Style

Very few companies execute a company blog well. Fewer still are able to create a good video blog. Elzetta is one of the few that has shown a penchant for the latter.

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Meopta Factory Tour: Mechanics Division

The final part of my Meopta Factory tour was led by Stanislav Palicka. The Mechanics Division is where they machine and coat the components for assembly.

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