POTD: Ho-Ho-Ho! MP5 Christmas Magazines From Zenith Firearms

Photo Of The Day and today we gather around the Die Hard quote “Now I Have A Machine Gun Ho-Ho-Ho!” If you want to prepare your ZF-5 or MP5 for Christmas, this article will point you in the right direction.

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ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: 1874 Sharps Rifle, M1 Carbine Paratrooper and More

As I get older and the world changes in so many ways, one thing that thankfully always feels the same to me is Christmas and the holiday season in general. Whether it is decorating the tree or chatting with my family, there is always something that makes me think back to when I was younger and Santa was a thing. I remember the top three things on my list as a kid; a Daisy Red Ryder bb gun, a plasma ball, and a paintball gun. Santa only felt like a Red Ryder was good enough so that is what I ended up with and as beat to crap, as it is, I still have it and cherish it as much as the day I opened it up.

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ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: Some GM6 Lynx 50 BMG Firepower

Christmas is always a wonderful time for giving back, spending time with loved ones, and thinking way too much about what you’d REALLY like from Santa. This year I decided it was time to dream just a little bit bigger. How big? We’re talking a .50 BMG  GM6 Lynx big.

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ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: Quiet Silent Night Edition

I’ve come a long way in the 25 some odd years I’ve been playing around with firearms. As a child, all I wanted was the simple stuff, more ammo, some soda cans to shoot at, and time out on the range with my buddies and my dad. Although quality range time with loved ones and friends is certainly high on the priority list, my desires in regards to the firearms and equipment have drastically changed. Sometimes all it takes is a small taste of what you don’t have to get you constantly thinking of ways to rearrange your checking account in order to get that next item on your list. Well, for me, these three items may be a ways off but Christmas miracles can happen, right? Here’s hoping for a quiet silent night in my firearms future.

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ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: Steel and Wood Edition

OK, let’s start with an honest disclosure: I won’t get these guns for Christmas 2020, nor I will get any firearms, for that matter. However, this doesn’t mean I can’t dream. And since we’re just dreaming here, I will dream big and list a few “lifegoal” items with limited practicality, to me, yet extremely cool to my eyes.

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ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: Silent Night Edition – Dead Air Nomad-TI

Besides the total repeal of the NFA, all I want for Christmas is a Dead Air Nomad-Ti Silencer.  The Nomad-Ti, based on specs alone, is up at the pinnacle of lightweight .30 cal cans. The added plaudits from TFB Honchos James and Pete don’t hurt, either.  A lightweight can that can handle high-pressure calibers up to .300 Norma Mag would be a great addition to my can collection, as I have some longer barreled firearms, such as the Sako Carbon Wolf in .300 Win Mag, that don’t take kindly to a lot of weight being put on the end of a long, slimmer barrel.

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Sitting on Santa’s lap as an adult is a completely different experience from when you were a young kid. Back then you had no money, completely dependent on your parents for any sort of commercially available goods and services. As a grown-up, you have the means and ability to save your cash and (eventually) buy the things you want. So, for me, bending the Big Man’s ear is all about semi-realistic hopes and dreams. I’m not swinging for the fences asking for a transferable MP5, a 10K of ammo or a Dillon Aero minigun. All I want for Christmas is an FN M249S, an H&K MK23 with a KAC suppressor and an LMT M203 40mm grenade launcher. Now that I think about it, my mid-life Christmas list is almost identical to the list I had in elementary school.

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