A Twitch Streamer's Negligent Discharge: This is Why Guns and Alcohol Don't Mix

Just this past week a Twitch streamer by the name of Carl Riemer had a negligent discharge with his Glock pistol during a live stream on the night of Wednesday, March 4th. The negligent discharge did not harm anyone and only damaged some items on his desk. Thankfully it seems all that was harmed in this incident was this guy’s pride along with his career on Twitch.

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Demon Rum and Charles Askins

As an amateur history buff, I’m always interested to see how perspectives on topics change over the years. When reading through a 50 year old gun magazine recently, I ran headlong into one of those views that I daresay would never be found in print today.

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Captain Morgan and Cannons

Alcohol and firearms are not a good combination. But that only applies to drinking said alcohol and operating said firearms. Using a cannon, supplied by Captain Morgan, to shoot at some drinks is totally ok. The Slo Mo Guys video the cannon ball smashing thru a pyramid of glasses and drinks captured in super slow motion. I hope more alcohol companies take note and combine alcohol with firearms responsibly. Enjoy.

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