AKOU Completes 5,000 Round Test on Century RAS-47… Rifle is NOT Fine!

For the prospective civilian AK buyer, there’s nothing quite as helpful as the experience of others. Most reviews (including most of the ones I have done) cover the experiences the reviewer has over tens or hundreds of rounds, as higher round-count reviews are typically too expensive to conduct regularly, for most. Rob Ski of the AK Operator’s Union has, however, undertaken since the beginning of this year a series of 5,000 round reviews, the latest of which – a follow-up on the Century RAS-47 using a brand new rifle ( see previous test here) – he has just completed:

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AKOU Tests Magpul AK Magazine

Rob of AK Operators Union performs a small torture test of the Magpul AK47 Gen 3 Magazine with his AK. He drops the gun onto concrete so that it falls and hits the magazine.

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New AKX-9 9mm AK From Atlantic Firearms and Definitive Arms

Atlantic Firearms and Definitive Arms have partnered to create a US-made 9mm AK rifle for the US civilian market. In January, a video was uploaded to YouTube showing testing of the rifle, and its bolt-hold-open feature:

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Rob Ski Unboxes A Century RAS-47 AK

Rob Ski, founder of the AK Operator’s Union, has posted a review of the newest American-made Century AK, the RAS-47. This is a follow-on to Century’s C39 Centurion rifle, differing in its stamped receiver. Rob wastes no time in taking the rifle apart to show, in detail, both the good and bad aspects of the gun:

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