New Recover Tactical Shield & Glock 43 Magazine Clips
Magazine, Clips, are you triggered yet? Just kidding, we wanted to tell you about Recover Tactical’s new Shield and Glock 43 Magazine Clips that have just come up for preorder on the Recover website. If you aren’t familiar with the product concept, I have included a few videos below that kinda spell things out for you.
Review: XS Sights 24/7 Big Dot Tritium Night Sights
The Big Dot sights have been the staple of XS Sights product lineup for as long as I can remember, if they have been a fixture in the aftermarket sight community for this long there mist be something to them right? After a quick phone call to XS to set up a review we came to the realization that we were in the same city and set up a range day and visit to the XS facility.
Gewehr 41(W) 2-Gun Action Match
The Gewehr 41 was Nazi Germany’s first attempt at a standard-issue selfloading infantry rifle. It utilized a front flap-locking bolt coupled with a Bang-type gas trap operating mechanism. This mechanism has a reputation for not working very well (more on that below), but how well would the rifle hold up in an actual shooting situation, provided they did work? Forgotten Weapons’ Ian and Karl take the G. 41 (W) out to the 2-Gun Action Challenge match to find out: