Wheelgun Wednesday: Old School Smith & Wesson Model 57 .41 Magnum

In this week’s Wheelgun Wednesday we take a throwback look at a revolver with a common appearance, but a very uncommon chambering. The wheelgun we are talking about is the Smith & Wesson Model 57 .41 Magnum, and the example we will take a closer look at is from 1984. Not much love is given to the forgotten .41 Magnum, but we will cover what makes it special and what drew me to buying one for myself almost a decade ago.

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POTD: Wheelgun Wednesday! 9mm .357 Magnum .357 Maximum .41 Magnum .44 Magnum .454 Casull

It’s Wednesday so time for some Wheelguns!

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Henry's New Magnum Rifles

When the .327 Federal Magnum was introduced, it looked like it could be a great alternative to the .38 Special. It offered performance close to the .357 Magnum with recoil more akin to a heavy .38 +P load. The big benefit was its smaller diameter allowed for six shots instead of five in J-frame sized wheel guns.

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Ruger Redhawks in .41 Magnum

Modern Ruger Redhawk revolvers are known for their big bore cartridges: .44 Magnum, .45 Colt and .45 ACP. While these cartridges are clearly powerful, none has the niche appeal quite like the latest caliber being offered in these guns: the .41 Magnum.

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