[SHOT 2020] New Silencers From SureFire

At SHOT Show 2020 SureFire debuted new silencers for both the SOCOM and RYDER series of silencers.  In true SureFire fashion, the new silencers look to build onto the existing SureFire lineup.  SureFire is accomplishing this by providing new options in both build material and caliber.

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SKAT GM-200 and GM-200 Bullpup Modular Bolt Action Rifles

SKAT is a private Russian firearms manufacturing company founded by a gentleman named Gennadiy Kozhayev. The company makes a variety of firearms including Glock clones, AR-15 rifles and PCCs, bolt action precision rifles etc. Mr. Kozhayev is also the head of Russian National Federation of Benchrest and Varminting. This organization and the SKAT company are deeply integrated. In fact, they even share the same website.

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BREAKING: Americans Connect at 5,000 Yards (2.84 Miles) for NEW Long Range World Record

We at TFB reported on October 9th, courtesy of Hrachya H., that Lobaev Arms from Russia had previously set the long range shooting world record. They used a wildcat cartridge based off of the .408 Chey Tac called a “.40 Lobaev Improved” to accomplish the tremendous feat. What the .40 Lobaev Improved offers, similar to Ackley cartridges, is an increased case capacity. Unbeknownst to the Lobaev Arms team, an American shooting team had reached out even further without their knowledge because they had not gone public with it yet. That American shooting team was led by former Navy SEAL Sniper Charlie Melton.

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Lobaev Arms Sets a New Long Range Shooting World Record (4,210 Meters)!

According to Lobaev Arms, they have set a new world record of sniper rifle shooting. They managed to hit a 1×1 meter square target at a distance of 4,210 meters (4,604 yards). They used a Lobaev SVLK-14 Sumrak (Twilight) bolt action rifle shown in the top image.

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