Wheelgun Wednesday: A New Custom Take On The Apache Revolver
Thanks for joining us for another edition of TFB’s Wheelgun Wednesday, where all revolvery topics are on the table. This week, we’ll take a look at a custom project submitted by a reader, that he’s dubbed the “Apache Pug” which was derived from the foldable Apache revolver of old that also incorporated knives and knuckle dusters. Rudukai13 set out to explore this interesting topic by creating his own modern version of the Apache revolver, the name of which stems from a violent, French gang “Les Apaches” that chose their name based on the brutal reputation of the American Apache tribe. Les Apaches were also known to carry knuckle duster style revolvers, and the namesake was transposed to the style of revolver designed by Dolne. Let’s take a look.
[SHOT 2020] New .22 Magnum Mini-Revolvers North American Arms, Inc.
North American Arms Inc is a producer of concealable mini-revolvers that are both extremely light and convenient to conceal. The guns they produce are designed to be small, light and concealable enough to be carried in almost any situation where printing would normally be an issue especially a mini-revolver over a traditionally sized small frame.