POTD: Full Auto Shorty 1919 = Awesome

@triplermunitions posted a video of a shorty 1919 being fired full auto. Given the barrel reduction and therefore weight reduction, this could be a great candidate for the steadicam rig. What barrel length do you think that shorty 1919 has? Looks like 12-14 inches? The muzzle flash is quite significant.

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Be Ready for the Western Front Offensive of 1919 with the WWI Pedersen Device

In the early winter of 1918, it seemed as though the Boche wouldn’t stop, and the war was sure to continue on into 1919. New, secret weapons were needed to complete the victory over Germany, and one of these was John Pedersen’s “device”, officially called “Cal. 30 Automatic Pistol Model of 1918”, a drop-in replacement for a standard (but modified) Model of 1903 Springfield rifle that would give every American infantryman autoloading firepower for close range engagements in the expected 1919 offensives.

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How Links And Belt Fed Machineguns Work (TFBTV Weekly 4)

Many people have asked us how a belt fed machinegun works, so in this episode of TFBTV weekly, we showcase a few different types of common links found in belt-fed machine guns, as we show how a 1919 strips cartridges from the links in order to fire.

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POTD: There is home defense and then there is HOME DEFENSE

Ok, so its not really for home defense. This is the  Iron Creations new 1919 custom mount. Houston H., the artist whose gun art adorns my office walls, sent us this photo of his M1919 machine gun. According to Houston, shooting the 1919 standing up is a lot more fun than shooting it from a tripod on the ground.

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