TFB Collab: FN P90 with 1911 Syndicate

Introduced in 1990, the FN P90 is a select-fire personal defense weapon (PDW) designed to defeat body armor.  Designed to be a replacement for 9mm chambered firearms, this requirement yielded an entirely new weapons system.  The P90 uses a top-loading 50 round standard capacity magazine and is chambered in 5.7x28mm. To see just how well this weapons system had aged, I headed out to the desert with Jake and Chris from 1911 Syndicate to put the P90 through its paces.

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TFB Collab: HK MP7 with 1911 Syndicate

Chambered in 4.6x30mm, the HK MP7 was designed in the ’90s specifically to defeat Kevlar body armor.  With no civilian version available, the MP7 has developed a cult-like following over the years.  As opportunities are few and far between to shoot these, I’ll jump at the chance to shoot an MP7 whenever possible.  Lucky for me, Jake from 1911 Syndicate reached out recently about doing a video on this iconic machine pistol.

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TFB Collab: M249 SAW with 1911 Syndicate

The M249 Squad Automatic Weapon or SAW is one of the most iconic crew-served weapons in current use.  Designed in 1976 by FN Herstal, the M249 SAW has seen use in the Gulf War, Somalia, and the current War on Terror.  The design has been modified slightly over the years to include mission-specific variants like the 249 Para, and Mk46.  Thanks to an invite from Jake at 1911 Syndicate I was able to shoot this classic crew-served weapon, but with a new SAW-specific silencer.

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TFB Collab: HK G36C with 1911 Syndicate

After the success of the Mark23 special, Jake from 1911 Syndicate asked if I would help him cover the HK G36C.  Unknown to me, Jake had linked up with SK Arms who was bringing up not one, but two G36s.  Happy to help wherever I was needed, I packed up the truck and headed out to the desert once again.

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TFB Collab: H&K Mark 23 Special with 1911 Syndicate

Years back I purchased an HK Mark 23 out of pure nostalgia and love for the gun’s history.  Fast forward to today, and that Mark 23 is my favorite pistol to take to the range.  No, I’m not saying the pistol is practical by any means, but the gun is an absolute joy to shoot.

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