Search: first firearm

Historical Benchrest competitions

The sport of benchrest shooting, wherein there are no shooting positions but the rifles are firmly supported by some type of media has become quite popular in the past few decades. It truly is wringing out the most in rifle accuracy between 100 and 500 yards. But where [Read More…]

Battle Rifle Company

Earlier this month, I took part in firing ten thousand rounds through an AR-15 in one day. Here’s why: At the 2013 NRA Annual Meetings in Houston, Texas, I came across a number of new products and companies, but none stood out as much as Battle Rifle Company. [Read More…]

Gander Mountain Virtual Range

Perhaps the most awe-inspiring thing many of us saw at the Blue August Gun and Outdoor Conference was the facility itself; The Lake Mary Gander Mountain features a virtual range. Ok that doesn’t sound that cool, and your mind probably jumps to a vision of a larger [Read More…]

SCCY: The Working Man’s Carry Pistol

At the Blue August Gun and Outdoor conference, SCCY sent out some representatives to showcase their small, affordable line of pistols. The SCCY pistols can come in black, pink, or tan frame colors, and stainless or black slides. They are also available with or without a [Read More…]