Category: Concealment

Conceal Carry Corner: Is An Aftermarket Trigger Good For Self Defense?

When we talk about upgrading our carry guns, there’s always the debate of swapping out various parts and carrying it daily on your person. Whether it’s a new set of sights, new barrel, magazine release, or aftermarket trigger, there will always be benefits [Read More…]

Concealed Carry Corner: Small Guns – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Small carry guns are about as polarizing as the new Star Wars movies or which way the toilet paper roll goes when its time to refill. Depending on who you talk with, small guns will either be a great resource or completely useless. There’s plenty of arguments for [Read More…]

CONCEALED CARRY CORNER: Dressing For CCW As A Young Shooter G43 VS g43x shapeshift VanGuard 2 and Glock 43 concealed-carry-in-a-vehicle Torsion IWB