Concealed Carry Corner: Cost vs Reward of Carry Guns
Probably, one of my favorite things about the gun community is the amount of experiences and knowledge circling among us. While talking with a friend last week, I started thinking about the cost vs reward of carry guns we have day in and day out. What we don’t think about is what happens after we use a firearm in a self-defense situation. Often times our concealed carry guns will be held in evidence for a number of months or even years, often without any care in a plastic bag. While it’s important to have a carry gun which fits your shooting style, but is it worth carrying a high-end handgun for self-defense when it will be seized for months at a time? Let’s jump into the benefits and negatives of carrying certain firearms.
Concealed Carry Corner: Is An EDC Knife A Secondary Weapon?
When looking at concealed carrying, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest in terms of guns, gear, and everything in between. Knives can be an extremely valuable tool either in self-defense or everyday life but get overlooked oftentimes. There are a number of different styles of knives and configuration depending on your daily needs. It’s important to look at your overall goals for an EDC knife and then try to find one that matches your specific lifestyle. Before purchasing a specific type of knife, just remember to check your state and local laws. Let’s dive into the various types of knives to carry while concealed carrying.
Concealed Carry Corner: The Importance of Dry Firing
When the topic of dry firing comes up, there will often be a number of debates on how beneficial it is to the shooter. A number of things that can be improved from dry firing but often times people argue against dry firing for a few different reasons. I figured it would be helpful to dive into the good and bad aspects of dry firing and some tips when you get started. Let’s dive down the rabbit hole of dry firing.
Concealed Carry Corner: Concealed Carrying In A Vehicle
When carrying a concealed firearm in public, there are a ton of small obstacles to overcome when figuring out what’s best for everyday life. It can sometimes be challenging to figure out the best carry style when variables are always changing. Things like lifestyle, clothing, events, and traveling can all create unique challenges for the concealed carrier. Whether it’s carrying in a shoulder holster, on your hip, or appendix style, there are always certain things to work on when traveling in your vehicle. In the past, I’ve talked about carrying truck guns and how your vehicle can be a mobile personal space. Let’s face it, we spend a fairly substantial amount of time in our vehicles either traveling or in our daily commute. It’s important to look at the various aspects when carrying in a vehicle and what’s best for self-defense in the vehicle.
Concealed Carry Corner: Are You The Best Version Of Yourself?
In the concealed carry world, it’s always fun looking at new guns and what gear fits your lifestyle best. In the past, we’ve talked about training yourself to be more aware in public and how to look for things out of place. Another important aspect of that doesn’t get as much attention is the idea of being the best version of yourself.
Conceal Carry Corner: Is An Aftermarket Trigger Good For Self Defense?
When we talk about upgrading our carry guns, there’s always the debate of swapping out various parts and carrying it daily on your person. Whether it’s a new set of sights, new barrel, magazine release, or aftermarket trigger, there will always be benefits and disadvantages with changing out parts on your carry gun. The biggest issue with changing parts on your concealed carry gun is the liability if you ever have to use it to defend yourself.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying In Winter Months
Time has flown by and we are starting another winter cycle. Depending on how you feel about colder weather, you’re either excited to carry a larger firearm or you’re trying to figure out how to conceal carry with the extra layers. Now some people will be safe from the great northern cold. Everyone in Florida or Arizona will be safe from the struggles of layering up. Carrying in winter months can be a great thing for some people, but can also be challenging to others. Let’s dive into the challenging and positive aspects of carrying during the winter months.
Concealed Carry Corner: Small Guns – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Small carry guns are about as polarizing as the new Star Wars movies or which way the toilet paper roll goes when its time to refill. Depending on who you talk with, small guns will either be a great resource or completely useless. There’s plenty of arguments for and against carrying an extremely small gun for concealment. Whether it’s for exercise, carrying when it’s difficult, or just finding something comfortable there are plenty of realistic reasons to carry a micro gun. So Boomers and Millenials, grab your black coffee or Kombucha probiotic drink and let’s dive into this.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying in Formal Attire
Deciding to conceal carry in formal attire can mean a lot of different things to people depending on what the occasion is. Carrying in formal attire can either be like any other concealed carry day or a special occasion. Sometimes it can be a way to express yourself around other gun friendly people. Occasionally this will be the perfect time to take out the safe queen and show off to your friends. Everyone looks at formal attire differently so let’s dive into some of the challenges of carrying for formal events.
Concealed Carry Corner: The Back Up Gun Debate
I didn’t quite understand how polarizing the BUG gun ( Back Up Gun) debate was until I was out to dinner with six or seven friends a few weeks ago. My friends all had extremely strong feelings and reactions to a very simple question. Regardless of what you think about back up guns, there’s no denying the idea is pretty well known. It’s so well known among the gun community that there are even IDPA shooting stages where you need to transition to your back up gun halfway through the stage. There are both positive and negative aspects to carrying a concealed handgun and a backup gun so let’s dive into it.
Concealed Carry Corner: Night Sights vs Fiber Optic With A Weapon Light
In my previous articles, I’ve talked about why it’s important to have some sort of light when concealed carrying whether it’s a weapon-mounted light or some sort of handheld light. When concealed carrying, it’s important to have some sort of light source if you’re going out with a handgun at night. A common question I often get is whether to have night sights or fiber optic with a light. There can different ways to look at what kind of sights work best at night time.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying Different Systems Vs One Gun
Honestly, one question I get fairly often when talking about concealed carrying is whether or not to have multiple guns to carry depending on what you’re doing that given day. There are benefits of carrying different guns at different times of the year, but it’s also important to be proficient with one gun. Does that mean you should find one gun and master it before trying something else? It’s definitely a valid question that people ask fairly often. I’ll dive into both and we will figure this out.
Concealed Carry Corner: Limitations Of Concealed Carry During Mass Shootings
TFB’s Concealed Carry Corner series has always had an underlying heaviness to it. That heaviness is due to the fact that it’s a wide topic about the possibility of having to take someone’s life if you find yourself or a loved one a victim of an assault involving deadly force. Well, in this edition of Concealed Carry Corner, we’re going heavier still. Let’s discuss the limitations of concealed carry as a response to mass shootings. Note: My photo selection deviates from the Concealed Carry Corner norm, and is meant to reflect various settings we visit in which there are large amounts of people.
Concealed Carry Corner: Looking at Different Situations Before They Happen
When we think about concealed carrying, it’s always fun to look at different gear and guns to see what works best. Picking your loadout and trying new options is one of the most fun things that people love to do when conceal carrying every day. I often get a good amount of questions about training for concealed carry whether it’s mental work or actually putting the time in at the range.
Concealed Carry Corner: Legally Conceal Carry In California Without A License With This One Weird Trick
OK, so this isn’t about concealed carrying a straw. I just thought that photo was hilarious and so I used it. What is serious is trying to legally conceal carry in California. For those who do not know, California is a may-issue state. You have to jump through silly hoops required by your county Sheriff’s office and you have to explain why you want/need to conceal carry. They don’t like your reasoning? No concealed carry license for you. Well, now you can legally conceal carry in California without a CCW license with this one weird trick.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying An Extended Spare Magazine
In a past article, I talked about the pros and cons of carrying a spare magazine. In that article, I also talked about the different methods of carrying a spare magazine. It’s important to plan ahead when configuring your loadout in a concealed carry situation. Some of you have been asking what the best way to conceal carry an extended magazine. Others often ask if it’s even a good idea to carry a larger magazine.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying Concealed; Everyday Challenges
Carrying a concealed weapon can be challenging and somewhat puzzling depending on certain situations. One thing I’ve noticed after years of carrying concealed is the fact we sometimes get comfortable with a particular loadout. This often tends to force a certain gun and holster combination into roles that may not be ideal. It’s an easy trap to fall into once you start carrying for a while and I’m guilty of this as well.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying Appendix and Concealability Using Pelvic Contact
Appendix holster position carrying is a really sensitive subject for a lot of people. It’s tough to grasp the idea that carrying a firearm pointed at your weiner is safe. The only time that ever becomes unsafe is when the end-user is unsafe. Complacency kills, or in this case, kills your weiner. That is why practice repetition, repetition, repetition is what makes you a better concealed carry person. I have seen people carry at the 4 o’clock position and had a round enter their butt cheek or hip. The round then went through their thigh and missed their weiner getting lodged in their calf. I’ve seen people carry at the four o’clock position and have the bullet shatter their pelvis, and come out the front. So the argument that you’re going to shoot your dick off is pretty much null and void. You could shoot it off every other way as well. Now that we have gotten through all that banter, let’s get onto the most important part; how to carry at the appendix position most effectively depending on firearm and firearm type.
Concealed Carry Corner: Helping Your Non-gun Friends to Choose a First Concealed Carry Handgun
I know many will disagree, but I think we live in a Golden Age of gun culture. Never before so much good (and bad) information was readily available. There are blogs, sites, forums, reviews, videos, manuals and training classes available to anyone who wants to learn about guns, shooting and concealed carry, and the amount of information is increasing every year. But when you’re already deeply immersed into the firearms industry, it is often easy to forget how a first-time gun buyer feels when he decides to buy his first concealed carry handgun.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying While Hunting – Why It's Important
Concealed carrying a handgun while hunting is viewed differently around the country depending on what part of the country you’re in. Carrying a handgun out west is pretty common due to the various wildlife but in the midwest, it is less common. I’ve been asked several times on social media about carrying a handgun while hunting so let’s dive into it.
Concealed Carry Corner: Life Lessons on How To Conceal Carry – Getting Started
Being able to conceal carry a gun for the first time can give new guys mixed feelings. It’s definitely exciting to be able to legally carry and take personal safety into your own hands. There can also be a lot of anxiety and mistakes when learning how to carry a gun in public. One of the first things I learned is it’s not as simple as strapping a gun onto your hip and walking out the door. Now, most of you who are regular readers on The Firearm Blog will know how to conceal carry, but there’s always new people getting into firearms and it’s not always easy finding reliable information out there.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carry Ammo Care – How to Maintain Your Carry Ammo
When carrying a gun daily it’s easy to get caught up in what gun is the best for concealed carry, but we sometimes forget about looking at our carry ammunition. Even in recent forums, I’ve read new conceal carriers asking why they can’t just carry a quality FMJ round instead of a hollow point. When I started reading more about the man’s claim, he said a police officer told him FMJ rounds are better because they penetrate the body more. So there’s lots of misinformation out there and it’s always good to check out claims before taking them as fact.
Concealed Carry Corner: Why Claws are Good for Kydex Holsters
When looking for concealment holsters, it looks like a fairly straight forward process, but there are thousands of variations to pick from. I went through several different holsters before settling on the model I use with a claw attached. I get a lot of questions on social media and emails asking why claws are so beneficial so I’ll make it easy for everyone. To clarify as well, a claw is also anything with a wing or attachment that pushes the waistband outward.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying Concealed at Home – Can It Be Beneficial?
When I started concealed carrying I thought most people carry in their home as well as in public. After working in the industry and talking to a ton of everyday people who carry, I’m honestly shocked at how many people decide not to carry in the home. The most common thing I hear from people when asked why they don’t carry in their house is the simple fact they feel they don’t need to. I respect this because it feels like a safe haven for certain people.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying a Firearm While Boating
Many of you may not know it, but I love to saltwater fish in Florida. I try to go 4-5 times a year with my dad fishing around Tampa Bay or the Gulf of Mexico. There’s nothing more relaxing than dropping the boat off the lift and heading out for a day of sunshine and fish. I’ve always thought about the methods of concealed carry when fishing or being on the water.
Concealed Carry Corner: Pocket Carry – Is It a Safe Idea?
When I was younger, I heard a ton of different negative arguments about carrying a handgun inside your pocket. I decided to start pocket carrying about eight years ago and I’ve definitely have learned things along the way. Pocket carrying is like anything else and should be looked at as a tool in your toolbox rather than a single solution for all problems.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying Without a Round in the Chamber - Good Idea?
When we carry a concealed weapon, there are many choices that we have to make. Pick the right gun, the right holster, find the clothes that won’t expose it, find a way around gun free zones and overly sensitive colleagues and relatives that don’t support your life choices. But there is one more choice that we have to make – should we carry a round in the chamber in our defensive firearm?
Concealed Carry Corner: Strong Side Carry vs Appendix Carry. What's the Best For You?
Carrying a handgun concealed can be challenging at first because you typically have a semi-heavy object riding around on your pants. Once you start to conceal carry a handgun, there are a few different ways to carry the gun daily. Now I know there are more ways than strong side carry or appendix. There’s also cross draw, small of the back, ankle carry, and a number of other methods. I’ve been getting a fair amount of questions of appendix or strong side carry, so I’ll focus on those for the time being.
Concealed Carry Corner: Options for Left-Handed People
One thing I’ve learned when working in various gun stores for a side job is the struggle left-handed shooters have to go through. Left-handed people have to either find a fully ambidextrous handgun or learn to manipulate the handgun with their wrong handed tactics. I am a right-handed shooter, but having helped dozens of left-handed people and shooting at the range with friends, I’ve put a list of guns together that are a great option for left-handed shooters.
Concealed Carry Corner: Weapon Proficiency – Why Is It Important?
When it comes to the gun community, we all love talking about what’s new and exciting. While I love talking about the newest and greatest from the industry, training with your firearm is one of the most important aspects of concealed carry. I will be the first to admit it can be difficult to get out and shoot when you have responsibilities in life. With everything occupying our time, it can be easy to not make time to hit the range.