Concealed Carry Corner: Dangerous Distractions in Our World
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about the variety of ammo choices available when it comes to self-defense. If you missed that article, I will leave a quick link to that article right here for you guys. This week’s topic is a bit different since it’s fairly easy to get distracted and sucked into distractions that ultimately could allow you to be put into difficult situations. With everything available at our fingertips in society, it can be easy to get distracted on your phone rather than paying attention to your surroundings. Let’s take a closer look at dangerous distractions in our world.
Concealed Carry Corner: Important Ammo Choices
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, I took a look at various pistol types and talked about how reliable those systems are over time. If you missed last week’s article, I’ll leave a link to that article here so jump in there and let me know your thoughts. A reoccurring question I get fairly often is if I buy specific self-defense ammo for every carry gun or if I have a general round I use across the board. It’s an interesting discussion since there are some out there who believe self-defense ammunition isn’t necessary for a carry gun. Let’s take a closer look at the facts when it comes to important ammo choices.
Concealed Carry Corner: Pistol Type Reliability Over Time
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last time, we talked about consumable carry items and when to replace certain items you use daily to carry your firearm. To check out that article, be sure to click on the link here. In the world of carrying a concealed firearm, the market is shifting in strange directions and is even starting to move back into the world of single-action type 2011s and 1911s over something like a striker-fired handgun. With the gradual shift from small micro-style guns to larger framed firearms, it’s important to look at the reliability of certain firearms as time goes on. Let’s take a closer look at pistol type reliability over time.
Concealed Carry Corner: Consumable Carry Items
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we looked at the new tools available for dry fire practice. If you happened to miss that article, be sure to check it out here. When it comes to carry gear, most people don’t think about the overall life of certain items. Whether it’s your favorite holster, carry ammo or other tools, it’s important to know when it’s time to refresh certain items and how often you should consider each item. It’s easy to overlook these items but for the best performance out of your gear, it’s a good idea to refresh everything. Let’s take a closer look at consumable carry items.
Concealed Carry Corner: New Dry Fire Methods
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about the various dangers that come with carrying a concealed firearm. If you missed that article, don’t be afraid to click the link here. With ammo costs being elevated in the last few years, more people have been turning to alternative practices with their handguns. Dry firing can allow you to practice 75-80% of your fundamentals without firing a single round. With new methods coming out constantly, it’s good to take a look at some great tools for new dry fire methods.
Concealed Carry Corner: The Dangers of Carrying Concealed
Welcome back to this week’s edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week we talked about the importance of ammo versus buying accessories. If you happened to miss that, be sure to click the link to check it out here. This week is a rather interesting topic I’ve somewhat touched on but have not dove into like we will today. I recently received an email on my social media about someone who was recently charged in their state for displaying a firearm in a road rage situation. He sent me a very long message about how unfair the situation was but he made some fairly large mistakes. I think this is a fantastic situation to look closer at some of the dangers of carrying concealed.
Concealed Carry Corner: Ammo Versus Accessories
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about some of the tips I wish I would have known sooner. To check out my article from last week be sure to check out the link here. When it comes to carrying concealed, there’s an interesting trend coming out where people criticize companies for not offering the most modern options on their new handguns. A new carry gun was released and I put it up on my social media pages to get everyone’s take on it. People were immediately upset about the lack of an optics cut or bottom accessory rail. It started getting me thinking about what’s important when it comes to concealed carry. Let’s take a closer look at what’s more important ammo versus accessories.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carry Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner
Welcome back to this week’s edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about taking a second look at off-body carry. Most of you said you still would use off-body carry as a last resort which I can agree with. If you missed out on last week’s article, check it out here. This week I decided to look at a couple of the smaller things I wish I knew sooner when concealed carrying a firearm. It’s always super helpful to look at small tricks or topics that will improve your overall experience and ease of carrying. Let’s take a look at a few carry tips I wish I knew sooner.
Concealed Carry Corner: A New Look At Off-Body Carry
Welcome back to another week in the Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about my top five carry guns if I could only have five for the rest of my life. If you missed out on last week’s article, be sure to check it out here. This week, I decided to talk about my experiences over the last few months with trying out more ways to carry off-body. I’ve talked about off-body carry in the past, but haven’t really given it a shot. I decided to give it another chance and over the last few years, I’ve actually come to realize that off-body carry does have a few great benefits depending on the situation. Let’s talk about how I started to take a new look at off-body carry,
Concealed Carry Corner: If I Was Stuck With Only Five Carry Options
Throughout the Holiday weekend, I had a number of great conversations with friends who also enjoy shooting. One of the longest conversations we had one night over our preferred alcohol, was about what handguns we would keep if we could only own five for the rest of our life. Although highly unlikely to happen, it’s always fun to go through and pick what five handguns you would keep to carry for the rest of your life. Let’s talk about my choices out of my collections for the guns if I was stuck with only five carry options.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying As A Couple
Welcome back to another episode of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week we talked about what and what not to carry every day. If you guys missed it, be sure to head over and check that article out here. For most guys out there it’s a goal to get their spouse into shooting so it can be an activity for both to enjoy. That’s easier said than done in most cases but with a little practice and confidence boosting, it’s more than possible to be a couple who actively trains and concealed carries. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of carrying as a couple.
Concealed Carry Corner: What To Carry Every Day
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week we talked about the concept of carrying stock firearms versus carrying fully customized firearms. If you missed last week’s article, don’t hesitate to check it out with the link here. With the introduction of the internet and easier access to information about carrying, there’s been a rapid introduction of various concepts and styles of carrying from different instructors. Although this flood of information is great for the community, it can be really tough to decide what exactly you need to carry on your body and what you should carry in your vehicle or bag. Let’s take a closer look at what to carry every day.
Concealed Carry Corner: Stock Guns Vs Customized Guns
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about jackets that were specifically designed for concealed carry and their validity. If you missed the article last week, be sure to check it out with the link here. This week, we will take a closer look at the trend of customizing carry guns and if they make a massive difference when it comes to self-defense. The aftermarket sector of the gun industry is a massive part of the market and there’s a reason there are so many products for various defensive handguns. Does it make a huge difference though? Let’s take a closer look at stock guns vs customized guns.
Concealed Carry Corner: Are Concealed Carry Jackets Worth It?
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about various shooting drills to help incorporate movement into your range sessions. If you missed last week, I’ll be sure to leave a link to the article here. For the majority of the United States, the colder months are upon and that means layering up to keep warm during these cold winter months. Naturally, some of you will be switching out your carry guns to larger full-size carry guns with the addition of more jackets and warm layers. Over the last few years, there has been an increase in concealed carry related jackets but are they worth it? Let’s take a closer look to answer the question are concealed carry jackets worth it?
Concealed Carry Corner: Movement Drills To Help You Succeed
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we looked at the importance of quality holsters and some of the different choices available on the market today. If you missed last week’s article I will leave a link to it here. When it comes to training at the range for carrying concealed, accuracy and connecting shots on the target is just the beginning of the story. Movement and being able to shoot while moving or firing from cover is one of the most important skills you can practice once you’ve become confident with your static shooting ability. Let’s take a closer look at some movement drills.
Concealed Carry Corner: Importance of Quality Holsters
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we discussed the struggles of carrying larger handguns and the fight against carrying fatigue. If you happened to miss that article be sure to check it out here. Earlier this week, I started talking to a group of friends which were made up of experienced as well as new shooters. The new shooters were talking about the struggle of finding the right holster for them. It’s a journey we all end up going through when we first start out but it’s never a bad thing to look at some of the options available on the market today. Holster selection can be tricky so let’s look at some things to consider as well as avoid when looking at the importance of quality holsters.
Concealed Carry Corner: Large Handguns vs Carry Fatigue
Welcome back to another Thursday Concealed Carry Corner article. Last week we talked about the best size for concealed carry guns and if you’d like to check it out, the link is here. While reviewing the P226 XFIVE that dropped a few days ago, I decided to give carrying it concealed a try just to see what it was like. During my time carrying that 46oz gun, I became uncomfortable and fussy as the day went on to the point where I actually took it off my belt and laid it on my desk. The fatigue fully set in and I started thinking about all the people who claim to carry Glock 34 with lights and red dots every day with no issue. Let’s take a closer look at large handguns vs carry fatigue.
Concealed Carry Corner: The Perfect Size Carry Gun
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about when to trust your carry gun and what to do when it comes to break in. If you’d like to check it out, be sure to click the link here. In the past, I’ve talked about the evolution of carry guns from full-size metal firearms all the way to micro ultralight single stack guns. Based on the trends and new firearms coming out today, the perfect carry gun size is somewhere in the middle. Some of you may disagree with my interpretation and that’s ok, but looking at general sales along with what’s prevalent in the market today, there certainly appear to be some new favorites on the market for people who carry concealed. Let’s take a closer look at what potentially could be the perfect size carry gun
Concealed Carry Corner: When To Trust Your Carry Gun
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about carrying in questionable areas that could get you in trouble. This week, I wanted to take a look at a topic we all debate whether it’s when we first start carrying a concealed firearm or whenever we purchase a new firearm to carry. Whether it’s a new model to hit the market or just a new gun to you, it’s sometimes rather difficult to determine exactly when a gun is trustworthy to carry and depend on every day of your life. Let’s take a closer look at when to trust your carry gun.
Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying In Questionable Places
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we looked at the rise in PDWs being carried by individuals and what that looks like in public. When it comes to carrying concealed, there’s a wide variety of situations and settings that make you stop and question if you should carry. It happened to all of us who carry on a regular basis where you have to make a choice whether or not to carry in a certain situation. People will occasionally send me a question about a certain place or situation to carry in so I figured we could take a closer look at some of these situations. Let’s jump into the complicated world of carrying in questionable places.
Concealed Carry Corner: The Rise Of PDWs For Personal Protection
The world of concealed carry firearms has drastically changed from where it was 10-15 years ago. The endless amounts of firearm options to carry has become mind-boggling and the overall quality, as well as reliability, have gone up. In terms of innovation when it comes to carrying capacity and overall size, we have grown lightyears in the last twenty years. We can talk about innovations and changes all day long, but most people don’t talk about how the carrying world has changed as well. People are now arming up and carrying not only handguns but also PDW-style firearms and sometimes even soft body armor panels for added protection. This new trend has become a rather polarizing topic among various groups in the gun community, but regardless of your stance, it’s definitely happening and important to talk about even if it’s just to be aware of what’s going on. Let’s take a closer look at the rise of PDWs for personal protection.
Concealed Carry Corner: Factory Ammo Vs Hand Loads
The debate of using factory self-defense ammo or hand loading your own ammo has been going on for quite a while. With ammo scarcity becoming a real problem in the last few years, the transition to reloading has been a popular choice to fill that void. Typically, in the past, older guys who enjoy shooting were the main ones doing reloads but with the ammo shortage, the idea of reloading has become more mainstream. Over the years, I have been on both sides of this issue and it’s a fairly interesting one to consider when looking at the big picture. Let’s take a closer look at factory ammo vs hand loads.
Concealed Carry Corner: Popular Carry Gun Breakdown
When it comes to carrying a concealed firearm, there are a few really popular models that the vast majority of people either have as their personal carry gun or at least have heard of. The most common questions I get when it comes to carry guns are usually the same three questions: capacity, ergonomics, and ease of carrying. As a result, I decided to give you guys a quick rundown on some of the more popular carry choices by each category on a scale of 1-10. Let’s take a closer look at the popular carry gun breakdown.
Concealed Carry Corner: The Truth About Ankle Carry
Welcome back to another installment of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week we talked about the realities of carrying in a vehicle and some of you had some interesting things to say in the comments. A few people brought up the idea of ankle carry as a self-defense method. While ankle carry has some great applications, it may be tough to grab when you’re under stress in a vehicle. From that conversation, I started thinking about why certain people love the idea of ankle carry while others will admittedly fight against it no matter what. I started making a list in my head and ultimately said why not write an article about it. Let’s take a closer look at the truth about ankle carry.
Concealed Carry Corner: Realities of Carrying In Your Car
If you look at training courses offered by some of the larger companies, one of the most common courses you see is some sort of vehicle CQB class. I will be the first one to admit that I’ve taken some of these courses and they are typically higher-level shooting classes with a ton of movement and definitely teach you about cover versus concealment. There is nothing wrong with that but not many talk about the true realities of carrying in your vehicle and what that means if you find yourself in a self-defense situation. After some thinking on this topic, I decided to look at it for you guys from a different perspective than most. Let’s take a closer look at the realities of carrying in your car.
Concealed Carry Corner: Top Things Not To Put On Your Carry Gun
Throughout all the articles I’ve written on TFB, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve written about things you should carry on your person. What isn’t talked about are some of the things that shouldn’t be carried on you when carrying a concealed firearm. There are way more than just a few, but I tried to narrow it down to the top 4 things I see most when it comes to carrying concealed. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top things not to put on your carry gun.
Concealed Carry Corner: Open vs Closed Emitter Red Dots For Carrying
When it comes to advancements in carry pistols, one of the most recent jumps in technology has to be the addition of small red dots. Whether it’s the classic Trijicon RMR or any of the other options to plunge into this market, there are a ton of different variations when it comes to handgun optics. I get asked fairly often what the benefit of having one style or the other for concealed carry since there are so many manufacturers supporting this area of the market. Let’s take a closer look at some of the differences when it comes to open vs closed emitter red dots for carrying.
Concealed Carry Corner: Self-Defense Shooting Distances
When looking at self-defense training, the vast majority of people will focus on closer engagements with their carry handgun. This is widely accepted since the most common self-defense shootings are very close quarters for a short amount of time. The recent mall shooting in Indianapolis is an interesting case study that suggests otherwise when it comes to self-defense training. It’s definitely an interesting topic to look at since the most common handguns for concealed carry are relatively small, so taking longer distance shots with those will be incredibly difficult. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know when it comes to self-defense shooting distances.
Concealed Carry Corner: Offensive vs Defensive Protection
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to head back down to the Academy training center to take a pistol barricade course from legendary trainer Ric Sutton. After the first day of the course, we ended up all going out to the local Mexican restaurant to just have dinner and chat about the course and shooting in general. We started getting into the difference between defensive shooting and offensive self-defense which doesn’t get talked about much in the mainstream gun community. Let’s take a closer look at offensive vs defensive protection.
Concealed Carry Corner: Popular Carry Gun Shakedown
When we think of carrying concealed guns, we oftentimes go back and forth about the pros and cons when it comes to size vs shootability. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the argument for either smaller guns to carry versus carrying larger handguns that are easier to shoot under stress. I ended up deciding to take a few of the most popular handgun models on the market and do a simple drill from 10 yards to see how well each does comparatively. Let’s take a closer look at how each pistol did in our popular carry gun shakedown.