POTD: Unknown Distance Live-Fire Range With M4s and M27 IARs

Eric B
by Eric B
POTD: Unknown Distance Live-Fire Range With M4s and M27 IARs

We’re off to Japan in our Photo Of The Day, to take a look at M4 carbines and the newer M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle in an unknown distance live-fire range as part of Fuji Viper 23.3 at Combined Arms Training Center Camp Fuji, Japan, August 23, 2023.

Below: U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Ty Smith fires an M27 infantry automatic rifle.

Fuji Viper is an annual exercise that enables Marines operating in Japan the opportunity to conduct combined arms live-fire training and maintain operational readiness, tactical proficiency, and lethality within the first island chain. Ferguson, a native of Little Rock, Arkansas, is a rifleman with 3d Battalion, 5th Marines and is currently forward deployed in the Indo-Pacific under 4th Marines, 3d Marine Division as part of the Unit Deployment Program.

Below: A U.S. Marine reloads his firearm.

Below: U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Marco Cardi fires an M4 carbine during an unknown distance live-fire range.

Source: U.S. Marine Corps, photo by Cpl. Scott Aubuchon.

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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  • Would be nice to know how far the marines stretch out there M27s

    • See 5 previous
    • @Nebelwerfer The M27iar is a 16 inch barrel there is a loss of velocity and thus a loss of energy but it's not huge

  • Dave Dave on Sep 04, 2023

    Hahaha, aint nobody wants to use those janky sandbags. You have to build up a little fighting position and they're usually half-full and are all degroded after laying out in the weather for umpteen months.
