Concealed Carry Corner: Biggest Carry Mistakes – Part 2

Matt E
by Matt E
Concealed Carry Corner: Biggest Carry Mistakes – Part 2

Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about some of the biggest carry mistakes I see new concealed carriers make. This week, I wanted to do a follow-up part 2 of last week’s article, adding in a few other trends I see regularly. A few of you have great points in the comment section last week so I took those into consideration as well. Let’s take a closer look at more of the biggest carry mistakes people make when they start out.

Concealed Carry Corner @ TFB:

Carrying With A Manual Safety

When people first start carrying out, they want to make absolutely sure they are carrying their weapons safely. Part of this thinking is being insistent on carrying a handgun with a manual safety. Certain firearms like the 1911 platform have a manual safety because it’s single action only which isn’t carry safe without some sort of manual safety. Other firearms however like the Smith & Wesson Shield and SIG Sauer P365 are available with manual safeties. Glocks have a number of internal safeties but no external safety on the outside of the firearm.

Part of the problem is remembering to switch the safety off in a self-defense situation. Your levels spike and sometimes your mind goes into survival mode which means you will pull your firearm and try to pull the trigger but won’t understand why it’s not firing. Most individuals under any type of stress will try to pull the trigger multiple times before realizing they need to turn their safety off. This is typically a training issue that can be resolved but even with the proper training, some people can still forget to switch the safety off if they’re really in a life-or-death situation. The easiest thing is to just be comfortable with the firearm on your body and have faith the gun won’t go off if it’s in a proper holster.

Carrying With An Empty Chamber

Another problem new carriers run into is feeling comfortable carrying with a loaded chamber. The idea of having a loaded firearm on your body can be a rather intimidating one. I remember walking into my local mall with a Kahr Arms PM9 in a pocket holster terrified it was going to go off. There’s absolutely no reason to believe that would actually happen but in the moment, I couldn’t explain this overwhelming fear the gun was going to fire on its own without touching it.

After about 20 minutes, I started to become more confident with my pistol being loaded, but at first, it took time. People who just start carrying a gun will say they feel more comfortable with their gun having an empty chamber. If they happen to need the gun in a self-defense situation, they will simply draw the pistol, rack a round in, and then pull the trigger. Sounds great in theory, but again, just like the manual safety, people will oftentimes just pull the gun and hear an audible click when they pull the trigger not understanding what happened to the gun.

There’s too much to remember when you’re fearful for your life. The fewer steps you have to take to get the weapon to fire, the better chance you have of defending yourself successfully. If you can’t seem to get around the feeling your gun may go off while loaded on your body, I suggest carrying it around your house loaded to become more comfortable. Once that anxiety of the gun going off fades and you become more comfortable, it will be much easier to carry a loaded firearm in public.

Improper Grip

Your grip may not be on the list of immediate problems to deal with when carrying a concealed firearm but it’s still on the list of things I often times see new shooters do incorrectly. Certain family members of mine enjoy shooting pistols but will do the 1970s tea cup method. Other times I’ve been at the range I have seen various people wrap their fingers around their strong hand grip which will lead to the slide on a semi-auto pistol to hit their thumb.

Every time I see that grip method at the range, I cringe and try to help the person as fast as possible. Depending on what grip you choose, it can be anything from less than ideal to straight-up dangerous. Taking the extra time at the range to work on your grip not only keeps you shooting safely but also makes you more accurate with practice. Grip isn’t as serious as the other two topics above, but if you want to be proficient with shooting, it’s something you have to practice and do correctly if you want to progress as a shooter.

Overall Thoughts

For the new people reading this, there’s so much to learn and it’s not as simple as just throwing a gun on your belt and heading out the door. There’s a natural progression with acclimating yourself to carrying a loaded firearm. You have to be comfortable with a loaded pistol on your person without having to worry about it going off on your body. There’s no shame in taking time to be comfortable with a loaded firearm but you shouldn’t carry an empty gun or engage the manual safety on your gun.

What do you guys think about carrying with an external safety or carrying without a round in the chamber? There are mixed feelings about them so I would love to hear your thoughts on these ideas. Be sure to leave your thoughts down in the comments below. If you have questions about carrying concealed or firearms in general, feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram @fridgeoperator. Stay safe out there and we will see you in the next edition of Concealed Carry Corner.

TFB’s Concealed Carry Corner is brought to you by GLOCK

Matt E
Matt E

I'm an avid shooter and love educating whether it's at my job or in the shooting community. I'm an average joe that really loves talking with other people about firearms and other passions.I'm active on Instagram on @fridgeoperator.

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3 of 41 comments
  • “Every time I see that grip method at the range, I cringe and try to help the person as fast as possible.”

    *The guy everybody wants to encounter at the range.

    • River_rover River_rover on Sep 02, 2023

      @My Government is Killing My Pa That's why I never go to a public range, and always shoot alone or with family (unless competing). But I'm surrounded by public land and family land.

  • Jim Drickamer Jim Drickamer on Sep 03, 2023

    This is not specifically about concealed carry, but it does apply here.

    A friend of mine, after completing a course of fire in annual qualification, cleaned his duty weapon in a parts cleaner, and dried it off with an air compressor. He loaded the weapon, a Smith & Wesson revolver, holstered it, and carried it on duty for a year before he was again required to qualify. At the first stage of fire, he drew the weapon, pulled the trigger, and nothing happened. The hammer just flopped back and forth. The main spring had broken.

    It is a carry mistake to fail to check your weapon to be sure it is in working order and that it is loaded.

    Imagine carrying a weapon on duty for an entire year that will not even go click.

    And by the way, this friend was a PPC and QuickDraw competition shooter.

    A few years after this incident, he shot himself in the leg after cutting out part of the trigger guard to increase his speed.
