POTD: Danish International Sniper Competition 2022 – Sniper Race

    Danish International Sniper Competition

    The number of internet users worldwide will soon reach the 5-billion mark. Our world has never been so connected. Great photos can spread like wildfire, but the story and the necessary context sometimes gets left behind. Not in TFB’s Photo Of The Day where we will always accompany the images with a background and credits to the maker. In the image above you can see a homage to “Slava Ukraini” (Glory to Ukraine) as a reference to the Ukrainian farmers towing off abandoned Russian tanks. This stage of the Danish International Sniper Competition (DISC) 2022 looks seriously difficult!


    The final day of the competition was the sniper race. Here the teams were sent off on foot with eight minute intervals following coordinates to nine different disciplines out in the terrain. Sniper Race is where the more quirky disciplines are at. A great example of this was the SLAVA UKRAINI course where the teams had to engage targets from the trailer of a tractor. The name and concept of the course is a reference to the Ukrainian farmers towing off abandoned Russian tanks and infantry fighting vehicles during the Russian-Ukrainian conclict.

    Another great example is the OUT OF AMMUNITION course where the teams had to say farewell to their trusty sniper rifle and spotter weapon in exchange for an AK-74. The distance of the furthermost target was 50 metres, but the layout of the weapon’s firing modes were a lot different compared to what most of the competitors were used to. If the teams started firing at the targets without paying attention, the burst fire could lose them valuable hits on target and thereby points (only ponints for one hit per target).

    Valtra on the move!

    In most of the Disciplines, the shooter were only allowed to fire two rounds; a miss on the first shot started a countdown from five in which the shooter had to fire the second round. A hit on the first shot yielded 25 points while the second was 10 points. The time limit of the different courses added to the stress factor.
    Besides the points from the disciplines, the teams were also given points for how fast they were able to complete the Sniper Race.

    The winner of the DISC 2022 Sniper Race was Norway’s Telemark Battalion Team 2.

    All images and information from Danish Snipers on Facebook, the official page and the community for snipers of the Danish Armed Forces and participants of the competition.
