POTD: Brigade Franco-Allemande with Sniper Rifles

    Brigade Franco-Allemande

    TFB’s Photo Of The Day is on a mission to collect high-quality photos from the world of firearms. From the Brigade Franco-Allemande (French-German Brigade) we have a nice selection on offer. What a lovely collection of sniper and precision rifles: from FN SCAR-H PR to Accuracy International’s AXMC, G22 and Heckler & Koch G28 and Barret M82s.

    Below: Suppressed FN SCAR-H PRs, with Schmidt & Bender optics.

    Caption, machine-translated from German:

    At the shooting ranges in Bergen, where the Feldberg exercise takes place, the 291st Infantry Battalion received the Lithuanian snipers of the “König Mindaugas” Hussar Battalion for long-range shooting practice lasting several days. The German Jägers and Lithuanian Hussars competed in groups with their respective weapons: firing AXMC, FN SCAR-H PR, G22, G28 and G82 at targets set up to 900 meters away. “We really enjoyed getting to know the weapons of the Lithuanian army and comparing our tactical procedures,” explained the Illkircher Jäger. “The weapons are different and allow different approaches, but we also have a lot of common know-how.” The Franco-German Brigade is proud to continue to expand its interoperability – cooperation – with its allies in the context of exercises.

    Spotters are important. Note the Vectronix Terrapin X to the right.
