Cabot Leviathan OAK Collection Custom 1911 Pistol

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H
Cabot Leviathan (1)

Cabot Leviathan is the latest masterpiece added to the Cabot Guns OAK (One of a Kind) Collection of deluxe 1911 pistols. Like many other previously released OAK Collection pistols, the Cabot Leviathan is also made with the unique Damascus steel created by metal artist and blacksmith Robert Eggerling.

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The primordial Leviathan permeates recorded history, a near-deity, entwined between myth and reality. Cabot artisans have wreathed this Leviathan with a spirit of both chaos and beauty. A glance at the pistol’s serpentine patterns calls to mind the same emotions ancient mariners must have experienced when the terrible beast burst forth from the deep, scales aglow and eyes afire.

And while the writhing patterns and textures of Leviathan’s slide may command first attentions, the hypnotic cerulean swirls and eddies that encompass the grips and trigger are equally mesmerizing. Mysterious patterns adorn Leviathan at every turn. The ancient Leviathan was known to have abilities far beyond any other in creation. Legends tell of the water around Leviathan’s body boiling as it surfaced, and uncountable ships sank to the bottom of the Mediterranean, charred by withering fire from the immense serpent’s mouth.

Cabot Leviathan (2)

Cabot Leviathan is a full/government size pistol chambered in .45 ACP. The slide of the pistol is fitted with golden rack assist discs and a matching gold dot front sight. The case of Cabot Leviathan pistol is hand-crafted in Italy from alligator hide – a perfect case material choice for a pistol named after a mythical aquatic reptile.

Cabot Leviathan (2)

While any OAK Collection Cabot pistol is a work of art, to me, this one stands out despite being rather simple compared to some of the other OAK pistols. The Eggerling Damascus steel used in this pistol is indeed mesmerizing and one can look at this symphony of patterns infinitely. Let us know what you think in the comments section.

Cabot Leviathan (3)
Cabot Leviathan (1)
Cabot Leviathan (6)

Pictures by Cabot Guns,

Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at

More by Hrachya H

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3 of 15 comments
  • Hoyden Hoyden on Sep 27, 2022

    “And while the writhing patterns and textures of Leviathan’s slide may command first attentions, the hypnotic cerulean swirls and eddies that encompass the grips and trigger are equally mesmerizing.“

    “You use your mouth prettier than a $20 whore” Slim Pickens, “Blazing Saddles”

  • MediumSizeTex MediumSizeTex on Sep 27, 2022

    Slide looks like it was caught in a flash fire, but at least the grips are neat.

    • Marc Marc on Sep 27, 2022

      @MediumSizeTex See, I take the opposite approach; I think they should've went with plain grips panels, as the busyness detracts from the damascus steel. Oh well, neither one of us will have to worry about this pistol tarting up our gun safes.
