TFB Review: Boyds Agility Stock

Lucas D
by Lucas D
Agility gunstock

For many years Boyds has been the main name that comes to mind when it comes to replacement hunting rifle stocks. The classic models offer an excellent choice for a straightforward replacement and the AT One has always been the tricked-out model for those who want tons of adjustability. For the longest time, I always found myself wanting a model in between with an adjustable length of pull but none of the extra bells and whistles of the AT One. Enter the Agility stock. The Agility offers the ergonomics of the AT One and the adjustable length of pull while retaining a more traditional look and feel.

Boyds @ TFB:

Agility and OEM stocks side by side

Boyds offered to send a stock to review and I jumped at the chance. I was able to quickly select the exact configuration of stock I needed using Boyds’ intuitive stock builder system on their website after which the stock was quickly made and shipped to me. My stock was for a Remington 700 Long Action in 7mm Remington Magnum. I chose nutmeg laminate for the wood configuration but Boyds offers 15 different colors from pink to green. I also chose to add a grip cap and opt out of the pillar bedding. Boyds stocks are about as drop-in as they come for a stock. Mine arrived and was easily installed in several minutes with no fitting required. For those who want an easy walkthrough on installation, Boyds has a series on YouTube explaining in detail installation procedures. The videos go through everything from initial installation to more advanced techniques like fiberglass bedding and running through the pros of certain features like pillar bedding. Starting price for the Agility is $237 with my configuration coming out to 265$.

Top-down view of the action inlet of each stock
Agility stock after initial installation

I had been having previous accuracy issues with this rifle experiencing vertical stringing and was hoping replacing the worn-down OEM stock would help. The old stock had swollen through exposure to the Pacific Northwest humidity and rain over the years leaving the barrel touching the stock in several places. The Agility once installed allowed a dollar bill to slide completely back to the receiver. Taking the rifle out to the range with Hornady Precision Hunter 162gr ELD-X after a short zeroing session it was grouping much better than it had been with the factory stock with most groups coming in at 1.1-1.5 MOA with none of the stringings I had experienced with the OEM stock. Not bad for an old Remington 700 with a factory trigger.

Sighting in the rifle

Over the course of several months, I would take it out in the woods not only to gauge comfort carrying over extended distances but also to gauge the weather resistance and toughness of the materials the stock was made of. Through multiple cold wet Pacific Northwest days, the stock remained true with zero swelling or issues. The stock itself weighs 3 lbs, slightly more than my factory stock but it was not noticeable during my treks through the woods. The rounded edges of the stock made it very comfortable to carry slung for long stretches with no noticeable pressure points.

Slung rifle after a trek through the Tillamook state forest

Ergonomically, the Agility is fantastic combining the lines and feel of a traditional stock with the ability to gain an additional inch and a half of length of pull easily and quickly. Unslinging the rifle and bringing it to target is fast and easy. The grip is perfectly shaped allowing for quick easy stable shouldering. Off a rest, tree branch, rock or the ground, the Agility is extremely comfortable to shoot. The LOP I set as well as the wider grip allow me to really pull the rifle back into my shoulder. This allowed me to comfortably make 200-yard shots off hand.

Fully shortened length of pull
Offhand shooting the Agility

After roughly 100 rounds of 7mm Rem Mag, I noticed no appreciable change in point of impact nor any issues with the action becoming loose or any cracking in the laminated hardwood. I had not been easy on the stock and despite this, there were no more than a few slight scratches in the finish of the stock. Boyds claims they apply a long-lasting weather and chemical resistant finish to the stocks so to test the durability of the finish, I sprayed the stock with multiple cleaners and oils to see if the finish would react negatively with them. Everything from WD40, CLP and transmission fluid was smeared onto the Agility as well as anything else I could find in the shop and nothing seemed to make any noticeable marks on the finish. To test the weather resistance aside from taking it out in normal use, I simulated the worst possible situation – I took the stock and over the course of a day continuously sprayed it with water and left it outside for 24 hours spraying the stock every 2 hours to make sure it was fully saturated.

Stock after smothering it in chemicals
Agility weather testing

After 24 hours, I re-mounted the action to the stock and checked the free floating of the barrel and the stock still allowed a dollar bill to freely slide all the way to the action. After taking it back out to test grouping, there was no noticeable change in accuracy compared to the initial testing. I also took the stock and simulated several falls and drops from shoulder height as such things happen while on a hunt and it’s nice to know you won’t have to worry about your rifle losing zero or accuracy after dropping your rifle mid-hunt. After several drops from about 5 feet onto grass dirt and mud, we took it out again to test groupings and inspect the stock for damage or cracking and found no issues.

Drop testing the Agility stock

After another 10 shoulder-height drops, there appeared to be zero damage to the stock cosmetically. Internally, there appeared to still be zero damage or cracking anywhere on the Agility. Overall, I found the stock to be very resistant to chemicals, weather as well as shock and recoil. I would have zero issues trusting this on a big hunt.

In conclusion, Agility is a fantastic replacement stock. If you are looking for a drop-in replacement to spruce up your hunting rifle but keep the lines and appearance of a traditional bolt gun, look no further. It is priced very competitively and is incredibly easy to install. The Agility improved accuracy compared to my original stock but also put up with all the abuse I could put it through without a problem. Not only is the Agility stock beautiful from an aesthetics standpoint but it adds features and improves ergonomics. If you are interested in more info about the makeup of the Agility or want to purchase one, you can spec one out at Boyds’ website.

Lucas D
Lucas D

Avid hunterSpeed steel enthusiastDeep sea fishermanResident Roof Korean

More by Lucas D

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  • River_rover River_rover on Aug 30, 2022

    All the grace of a 2x4.

    • See 1 previous
    • River_rover River_rover on Aug 31, 2022

      @Full Name Bought one. Besides being crudely made, it fit the gun like socks on a rooster. I threw the damn thing out. It felt like a square handled sledgehammer. And yes I want grace from my weapons. These things look like homemade underwear.

  • Aono Aono on Aug 31, 2022

    This is a legit review. 100 rds of 7mm with caveman and chemical abuse.

    Did you feel like the reverse swept comb helped with the perceived recoil?
