Steyr Arms USA Teases "Green New Deal" M9-A2 MF Pistol Variant

Luke C.
by Luke C.
Steyr Arms USA Teases “Green New Deal” M9-A2 MF Pistol Variant

The Steyr Arms M9-A2 pistol is one of those polymer-framed handguns that often don’t get enough attention. The Steyr M9-A2 is a 4-inch barreled polymer-framed 17-round capacity semi-automatic pistol that incorporates a novel trapezoidal sight system, and an adjustable grip system that accommodates the user’s preference in grip size. Steyr Arms USA just revealed a new grip frame option for the M9-A2 via their social media pages and is dubbing this new variant of the M9-A2 the “Green New Deal.” The new OD Green grip variant hasn’t been listed on their website yet but it should be soon according to the steyrarms_us Instagram page.

More on the Steyr M9 Pistol @ TFB:

A Standard M9-A2 MF

Steyr Arms USA Teases “Green New Deal” M9-A2 MF Pistol Variant

More information and Specifications on the M9-A2 MF Pistol:

The newly designed STEYR PISTOL A2 MF is the newest member in the STEYR ARMS product family. It is available in 3 sizes – (L-Large; M-Medium and C-Compact) with 17rnd magazine, a real picatinny rail (MilStd. 1913) at the forend and a fully adjustable grip. The back strap as well as both sides of the grip are adjustable with different sized inlays. The grip also features a funnel for a quick magazine change. Our pistols are all IPSC-listed.

Length: 7.4″

Height: 5.6″

Width: 1.3″

Barrel Length: 4.0″

Empty Weight: 27.5 oz

Magazine Capacity: 17 or 10-rounds

Trigger: Reset Action System (special double action system)

Safety: Trigger Safety and Drop Safety (Manual Safety Optional)

Grip Frame: Synthetic Grip with changeable side-plates and back straps

MSRP: $675.00

Steyr Arms USA Teases "Green New Deal" M9-A2 MF Pistol Variant

Check Prices on Steyr M9-A2 MF Pistols

Very little information regarding the Green New Deal has been released aside from a handful of pictures released via social media on the 18th of April. According to the social media posts, these pistols should be available to order from your local Steyr Arms distributor or dealer, and other than the new frame and grip panel colors, everything else seems to remain the same. It would be cool if Steyr were to expand on the M9-A2 lineup and eventually offer an optics-ready version. What are your thoughts on this new development from Steyr with the M9-A2 Green New Deal? Is this an indication to you that Steyr is developing the M9-A2 MF lineup further? Let us know down in the comments.

All Photos by Steyr Arms and Eli Duckworth via Facebook

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Luke C.
Luke C.

Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:

More by Luke C.

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2 of 62 comments
  • Mystick Mystick on Apr 20, 2022

    It looks like a tazer in profile.

  • FOC Ewe FOC Ewe on Apr 21, 2022

    It's been ~eighteen years since the AWB sunset yet there are no Adult Capacity magazines available for the S9 which in it's original form was almost the perfect carry gun. I'd have mine cut for an SRO and retire my G48 MOS if it wasn't limited to 10rd mags.
