Mandalorian Beskar Grips For CZ 75 Pistols From Vytal Manufacturing

Doug E
by Doug E
Image credit: Vytal Manufacturing

Late last year, Vytal Manufacturing introduced Beskar grips for the CZ75 (and variants), that resemble Mandalorian Beskar armor as seen in season one of the Mandalorian Star Wars show. For anyone that hasn’t seen The Mandalorian, the bounty hunter, Din Djarin, is offered a job which will be paid with a metal called Beskar, with the payment being separated into Imperial marked ingots. Photos and information surrounding the fictional armor can be seen HERE.

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Vytal Manufacturing’s current offering of the Beskar grips is available for the CZ 75 full and compact sized frames, which include the SP-01, Shadow, Shadow 2 and the smaller 75 Compact, P-01 and PCR, or any other CZ clones that take the same type of pattern grips. However, on Vytal’s Facebook page, they mentioned that they are also working on Beskar grips for 1911s. Since they introduced the silver Beskar grips for the CZ 75, they’ve also included color options in black, OD green, orange, purple and blue. If you prefer a custom color, Vytal’s website suggests you email them to inquire further.

Each version is made of 6061 aircraft grade aluminum and manufactured in the United States. Vytal Manufacturing’s website does state that the anodizing process may produce different colorization from batch to batch.

Image credit: Vytal Manufacturing
Image credit: Vytal Manufacturing

The Beskar grips are normally listed at $99.95, but at the time of this publication, they were on sale for $79.95. You can view the Beskar pistol grips HERE, or to view the rest of the grips and magazine floor plates they have to offer. You can also follow Vytal Manufacturing on their Facebook and Instagram pages.

What do you think about Vytal Manufacturing’s new Beskar Grips? Aside from the CZ 75 and the upcoming 1911 versions, are there any other pistols you’d like them to forge some Beskar armor for?

Doug E
Doug E

Doug has been a firearms enthusiast since age 16 after getting to shoot with a friend. Since then he's taken many others out to the range for their first time. He is a husband, father, grandfather, police officer, outdoorsman, artist and a student of history. Doug has been a TFB reader from the start and is happy to be a contributor of content. Doug can be reached at battleshipgrey61 AT, or battleshipgrey61 on Instagram.

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