Friday Night Lights: SHOT Show 2022 NVG Roundup

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Like the previous SHOT Shows there ae some night vision related products that are interesting but not really worth a separate article of them own. So rather than dismiss them see they are, the honorable mentions of the SHOT Show 2022 NVG Roundup. Friday Night Lights is sponsored by ATN Corp, manufacturers of night vision and thermal optics like the THOR LT. As with all of our sponsored series, Friday Night Lights will continue to bring you unbiased news and reviews from a variety of companies.


SHOT Show 2022 NVG Round Up

Thermal Target Like No Other!

Israeli company Reshet Graf has a unique thermal target that I have not seen anything like it before. Most thermal targets are reflective and reflect heat so they show up under thermal weapon sights and thermal viewers. They show up as solid blotches of heat. But that is not what is happening here. The target is printed and looks like a normal paper target.

But when viewed under thermal it shows up almost realistically. There is definite thermal differentials happening across the target to make it look lifelike. The face section is hotter as are the hands and arms. The clothes and weapon are colder. Truly remarkable.

Reshet Graf also has a transparent thermal reflector for marking the tops of vehicles. This makes it easier for thermal enhanced drones to track marked vehicles.

South Korean Night Vision

EOST or EO System is a South Korean based company that makes night vision and thermal systems for the military. For this SHOT Show 2022 NVG Round up I wanted to high light their Raptor-16 bino and monocular.

They use 16mm photonis tubes.

Night Vision Devices MINI-B 16mm

Everyone is amazed at Eotech’s BinoC but Night Vision Devices already has their own. For this SHOT Show 2022 NVG roundup we will look at their Mini-B. It also uses 16mm Photonis tubes. It is a full articulated housing that shuts off when you roll the pods out of the way or flip the goggle up. You can change from a AA battery pack to a AAA battery pack. With a AA you get 40 hours of run time. AA only provides 10hrs. Total housing weighs a mere 13.2oz. with a AAA and 13.9oz with a AA. You can also remove the battery compartment entirely and run the goggle off a remote battery pack.

16mm tubes have a smaller FOV than 18mm tubes. 38º FOV. Not that much of a compromise.

There are other interesting night vision devices and they will get their own article but these few were note worthy to have light shed on them.

TFB’s Friday Night Lights series is brought to you by ATN

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

More by Nicholas C

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  • Mig1nc Mig1nc on Jan 29, 2022

    Any idea on pricing for the Raptor-16?

  • T243 T243 on Jan 31, 2022

    Sub 400g for a Bino! Wow! Just 16mm tubes, okay, but heck, some Photonis 4G+ Tube, Bino, just 395grams. Thats ridiculous light! And the Korean device looks nice too!
