POTD: NLAW – Paratroopers Showcasing Their Firepower

Eric B
by Eric B

Photo Of The Day: Above a member of the 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment fires an NLAW anti-tank missile. The NLAW is a joint British and Swedish venture, providing a fire-and-forget anti-tank mis s ile system. It’s designed to be used by infantry soldiers and fires from the shoulder, after which it’s disposable. Apart from the United Kingdom, the NLAW is also used in Finland, Luxembourg and Sweden.

Below: The Heckler & Koch 40mm Grenade Machine Gun (GMG).

Paratroopers have demonstrated the firepower that they could bring to bear during combat missions as the British Army’s global response force. As the culmination of a course in support weapons skills, paratroopers staged a firepower demonstration on Salisbury Plain. A fast-moving scenario saw an advancing force of enemy armoured vehicles engaged and defeated with Javelin and NLAW anti-tank missiles, 81mm mortar, Grenade Machine Guns, Heavy Machine Guns and General Purpose Machine Guns.

Paratroopers opened fire from both ground positions and while moving in RWMIK patrol vehicles. The five-week-long Support Weapons Cadres trained soldiers from Colchester-based 2nd and 3rd Battalions The Parachute Regiment to serve in their unit’s specialist Machine gun, Mortar and Anti-tanks platoons. Soldiers were taught the practical skills to fire and maintain weapons in the field, and how to use firepower in different tactical scenarios.

They really managed to turn this Land Rover into a formidable monster with a lot of firepower, including anti-tank capabilities.

The L7A2 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG).

I too need a Land Rover like this.

RWMIK (Revised Weapons Mounted Installation Kit) is a lightly-armoured, highly-mobile fire support and force protection Land Rover.

This is an impressive line of firepower.

Photo Source: Photographer: Cpl Danny Houghton, RLC, British Army. Copyright: UK MOD © Crown copyright 2021

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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  • Wunder Nein Wunder Nein on Dec 05, 2021

    Is the ACOG on the NLAW disposable also?

    • JG727 JG727 on Dec 06, 2021

      @Wunder Nein From a practical point of view, yes.

      The NLAW can also have lowlight or thermal sights added to it.

      Unlike the Javelin, there is no fancy bolt-on computer system to manage the launch of the missile (and then have to be removed and attached to the next missile canister). Almost all computation is done in the missile guidance computer.

      The NLAW is atleast 13 years newer, and benefits from many lessons learned in years of training and operational use of the Javelin

      The ACOG CAN be recovered and reused, as I am sure they do in training.

      In combat can simply be discarded, the sight costing a few hundred dollars, the entire missile costing $20,000+, and the tank or armored vehicle its aimed at at least 10x that amount (and for tanks, much more)

      It's better to move to a new firing place and immediately read the next shot with the next complete missile system.

  • Brett baker Brett baker on Dec 05, 2021

    LRDG 2.0!
